Sookie cried into her cousins shoulder. "What does he mean by saying he doesn't want to be found?"

Tori felt her heart drop when Alcide replied, "I'm pretty sure it means he doesn't wanna see you anymore."

"That isn't what he said," Sookie insisted, tears still streaming down her face as she pulled away from the doppelgänger. She then sat down on the edge of the bed, her cousin doing the same.

"Well, what do you think he said?" Alcide asked gently, trying to not sound too rough.

She shook her head, her blonde swishing side to side. "I don't know what he said. I just know that isn't the man I love."

He gave her a look, his jaw clenching slightly. "Well, maybe the man you love never existed except in your head."

Even though she was angry at Bill, she was still trying to see the bright side of things, so Tori said, "Maybe he's doing it to protect you."

Sookie wiped her eyes, sniffling. "How is any of this supposed to make me feel better?"

Alcide sat down on the other side of Sookie, his voice gentle but firm, "All I know is that no matter how well you think you know somebody they can still turn around and kick you right in the nut sack."

Victoria tilted her head. "All that is true, but... they could have good intentions. They could be forced or angry or upset. All I know is that we don't know for sure why he is saying what he is saying, so we have to be open-minded."

Sookie tried to calm down and Tori gripped her hand. "I don't have a nut sack, and Bill... he's risked everything for me. Our love is way bigger than him breaking up with me over the phone."

Alcide arched an eyebrow. "How many relationships you been in?"

Sookie glared over at him. "Why does that matter?"

"Well, all I'm saying is there's no nice way of getting out of these things," he then looked to Sookie with a kind smile. "Come here."

When he hugged Sookie, the telepath's eyes widened, "Oh, my God, you're so warm."

"Sorry," he apologized with a low chuckle.

She shrugged slightly. "It's okay, I'm not used to it."

"That's because a werewolves' temperature is higher than the average person's," Tori commented when she remembered after Tyler turned into a wolf. While they weren't always close, she was still there when he needed her, especially during his first few transformations.

Sookie smiled at that. "I thought that maybe he was coming down with the flu."

Alcide smirked, his eyes twinkling. "No." When Sookie looked back to Alcide, he placed a hand on her cheek before turning away. "You probably want some privacy."

Even though Tori did like Bill — most of the time — he still wasn't the right fit for Sookie, no matter what the blonde thinks. And seeing her with their new werewolf friend, she could see their attraction and spark.

Sookie sniffled. "That's the last thing I want."

He looked between the two cousins before nodding. "I'll go put on a shirt."

THE NEXT MORNING, the cousin's found Alcide in his kitchen making breakfast with the radio playing. He was covered in a plaid robe, and he glanced over at the girl's who stood by the refrigerator. "What time you want to head back? To Bon Temps?" He watched, amused, as Tori quickly walked towards his coffee maker. "Since you're not looking for that asshole anymore."

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