Introduction ~ Alex Davidson

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My name is Alex and I'm currently in a coma. I have no idea what's going on in the world but I can hear. I heard a lot of screams and gun shots, now for a little while its been quite. I know you may be thinking where is your family? Why didnt they check on me? Well my parents died in a car crash 2 years ago me and my sister Victoria were sent to our Uncle John's house. We love Uncle John he was a hunter and that's actually how I'm in this predicament.. See I wasn't really big on shooting guns and hunting so my uncle took Victoria and I out for a lesson, after a while we split up. There was a big deer standing in front of me, I was getting ready to shoot but I'm guessing Uncle John had the same idea because he shot. The bullet went straight through the deer and in the temple of my head after that everything went black. Now here I am a month later, my wound has healed, I felt it, its just I need to wake up...

All of a sudden I feel heavy weight on my eye lids.

Am I waking up?!

They start to lift and I see light.

I'm awake!

"Nurse!" I call with my dry lips pressing together sticking. No answer that's odd, I press my pager and no answer. I sit up swinging my legs across the bed, i grab my walker being I don't have any strength and stand up. I struggle to get to the bathroom, I look in the dirty mirror staring directly at the bandage around my head. I slowly take it off, my wound is gone but there is still a little bit of pain.

I walk out the bathroom and over to the window seal. The City? What happened to it? Its all destroyed... And what the? There are people walking around with what looks like ripped bloody clothes.

I throw down my walker and run out the room now having my strength back. The hospital is beaten down, flickering lights, papers scattered, and broken glass, bad thing was I'm barefoot. As I'm walking I see a door saying don't open dead inside, but that's not all I see, I see a man wearing the same hospital gown as me. "H-Hello" the man turns around "Hi" he responds "Do you know what's going on?".
"No, I just woke up from a coma." He answers "Me too." I say frankly surprised

This man seems alright.

"How?" I ask "Gunshot." We both say in sync "How old are you little girl?".
"I'm 13 my name is Alex."
"Nice to meet you Alex, I'm Rick." We both shake hands "I have a boy your age, I'm going to try to find him and my wife, you wanna come?" Rick asks "Yes please"

We both exit the hospital, ready for the adventure that awaits us.

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