'Welp, he isn't here so- wait what's that?' I noticed a lantern on the desk, along with a few papers across the table and Brandon's chair out.

'Normally he puts his chair under the desk. Why's it out?'

I walked over to put the chair back but literally gasped when I looked at the person on the ground.

"Brother!" I kneeled down to him to see if he was alright. Well, clearly he wasn't since he's pale, his hair's a mess, and his face is all scrunched up in his sleep. He was even running a really high fever.

"Let's get you back to bed. Then you get your brother to take care of you." I carefully pick him up in my arms as I storm-blink us back to our house.

I set him down on his bed and took his poncho off to replace it with a normal t-shirt. Then, I went to the bathroom and grabbed a wet cloth to put on his head.

After he was comfortable, I went down to the kitchen to make him some soup. Once the soup was done, I brought it back up and placed it on the table next to the bed and waited for Brandon to wake up as I sat on a chair.

A few moments later

I was doing a little bit of paperwork on my desk in our room when I heard a grunt coming from behind me. So, I put down the paper and immediately turned around to see my twin slowly sitting up.

"Hello Brother, how are you feeling?" I asked as I walked over and handed him the soup, which was suprisingly still quite hot.

"E-Eh, d-definetly been b-better." He stuttered out, as I chuckled lightly. He took the soup and slowly began eating. After he finished, I set the bowl aside.

"You should probably get some rest." I say as I gently pushed him back down.

"B-But I c-can't sleep. I a-already tried t-this morning." He mumbled. I chuckle again and climb into his bed with him, hugging him.

"B-Brother! You c-can get sick!" He tried to yell but he ended up coughing instead. I patted his back to help him and he was slow to stop coughing. Brandon then snuggled into my chest as he whispered something which made me chuckle again.

"Y-You're cozy but i-it's not m-my fault id y-you g-get sick." Then he fell asleep immediately. I chuckled and fell asleep aswell.

'Excuse me? Me, getting sick? Ha! Doubt it!'

I regret thinking that.

The next day

(No one's POV)

Lucas was still a bit worried about where his boyfriend was so, he walked over to the twins' shared house to see if they were there. Surely enough, to Lucas' luck, the door was wide open.

Lucas walked up the stairs and knocked at their bedroom door, which was slightly open, but he didn't get a reply. He carefully pushed the door open and frowned when he saw Brandon who had his head on his brother's chest, he was also pale, hair all messy and a little green on his face.

He walked over and felt his face and frowned more when he felt that it was alot warmer than normal.

Then he saw Ritchie who was also quite green and his bandana was loosly on his head. Lucas felt his head too and sighed when he knew that Ritchie also had a fever like Brandon.

The water god slayer pulled out a communication lacrima out from hid pocket and called a certain short bean who can help with this problem.

(Lucas, Michael)


"Um, hello Michael. It's Lucas."

"Oh! Your Brandon's boyfriend, aren't you? What can I do for you?"

Lucas blushed slightly as Michael said that. "Y-Yes I am, and I need your help."

"What do you need my help with?"

"Well, it concerns Brandon... And Ritchie." As soon as Lucas said Ritchie's name, Michael had shadow-travelled to where Lucas was standing, scaring the daylights out of Lucas.

"What?! Where is he?! Is he ok?!" Michael said, frantic and worried for his boyfriend. You see, Lucas already knew about this relationship, heck everyone did, which is why Lucas called him.

"Jeez, don't sneak up on people like that! They're both over there on Brandon's bed because they're both sick." Lucas whispered as he pointed towards the sleeping twins. Michael frowned as he walked up to Ritchie, carefully prying him from Brandon's arm and placing him on his own bed.

"I'll go get some medicine. Can you get some cold, wet rags and make some soup?" Lucas nodded and headed towards the bathroom as Michael shadow-travelled over to the markets to get some medicine for the sick bros.

A few days later

It's been a few days and both the twins are feeling much better than before but that didn't stop Lucas and Michael from taking care of them.

Brandon called Lucas 'Loving Lucas', which made the water god slayer blush intensly, and they both called Michael 'Mama Michael', to which he also blushed intensly but not as much as Lucas.

You see, Colin and Silver tend to call him Mama Michael anyways so it wasn't bothering him but now his boyfriend calls him the nickname.

They didn't let the twins leave the beds until both of them were back to their normal temperaturtemperature and didn't need to throw up anymore. For once, neither of them minded the extra care that they were getting.

Maybe they should get sick more often, even if Brandon does hate getting sick, Ritchie doesn't really mind it.


A/N: Oh boy that was a mission. It was like 9:03pm when I started, and it's now 10:44pm! Next oneshot is FTO then our first SDS!! Then OOO!! I've also been re-watching pokemon movies for my pokemon book, which I think I will update soon! I dunno yet :/

Anyways, Cya!


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