Chapter 33. Settling

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Making eye contact with a glaring beast in the morning is something you don't want to wake up to but I sadly had to go through.

He continued his glaring as he chewed on his toy. His silver piercing eyes burning daggers into my soul just as Maddox's did.

 His silver piercing eyes burning daggers into my soul just as Maddox's did

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Slipping out of bed his glare follows me."Good boy." I whispered as I stepped out the doorframe and shut the door. Hopefully Maddox doesn't mine me trapping his beast."Maddox." I called out as I continued to walk away from the trapped beast.

"Kitchen." Running towards the kitchen I am greeted by a shirtless Maddox cooking. Walking closer I notice it's pizza."You slept in." He said as he placed a plate of pizza on the table."Sit." Walking over I take a seat and start eating the pizza."So um about last night. When I asked you out did you mean it when you said yes?" He asked nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. Looking him up and down I notice his abs and his tit piercings. I'll ask him about those later.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Good, so how does Friday sound for you?" It is Wednesday today so that mean I have a couple of days to panic.

"Perfect." I said as I continued to uncontrollably smile."This is amazing pizza."

"Thank you. Tell me when you're done and I'll bring you home. I'll be in the living room watching a movie."

"Maddox, how can you watch a movie? Did you like make some cool glasses or something?" I asked really excited to see a creation he made to solve his problems.

"No." He laughed." I can only hear a movie but I don't want to walk around saying 'let's go hear a movie together' it makes me uncomfortable. So when you hear me talk it's always gonna be proper." Damn not as cool as I thought."Now I'll be in the living room if you want anything to drink the fridge is over there." He said as he walked into the living room.

Picking up my phone I text the group chat.

Bree, Adam, Tonya

Me: I have a date with Maddox on Friday I'm freaking out

Bree: Omg we have to make you look sooooo good

Adam: I told Jake it was gonna happen soon Maddox is sexy😂

Tonya: We got you girl

Finishing up my conversation and my pizza I head towards the living room.

Finishing up my conversation and my pizza I head towards the living room

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