Chapter 38. Bloody Exs

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         Wide eyed I go to where David is and I stare aimlessly at the hole in his hip as it gushed blood."Who?" Maddox asked confused.

"What the heck happened, Dox?" I asked as we all stared dumbfounded at his hip.

"Merda.(Shit.)" He cussed as he touched the blood."Madison, I had a wonderful time tonight but as you can notice-" he pointed to his side."I have run into a little inconvenience so I must be going."

"You could bleed out. You have to stay here." I demanded as I started to tug on his arm."Call 911."

"No police. I'll just have you help me."

"Okay, um what do we need?"

"Soap and water and tweezers." Nodding I grab his hand and lead him into the restroom."Think of this as an early start to becoming a Forensic nurse." He laughed as I wet a soapy washcloth."Okay, let's do this. You're really not going to like what I'm going to ask you to do." Pulling out a lighter he started to unbuckle his pants and pulled them down towards his hip.

"What do I need to do?"

"Hand me the rag." Handing him the rag he wiped his wound."Now I need you to grab the tweezers and dig out the bull-"

"YOU GOT SHOT!" I shouted as he looked down at me like I was an idiot.

"Yes, now can you dig it out." Taking a deep breath I get on my knees and insert the tweezers into the wound.

Finally I came in contact with the object."I got it." I cheered as he shook his head with a smile."Who in their right mind smiles after they've been shot? And how did you not feel it?"

"I'm use to it." He shrugged as he grabbed his lighter and lit it."Ready for the part you won't like?"

"Dox, what the heck?"

"Piccola, there is a burning method called cauterization. Which we're going to do?"

"NO! NO! I am not burning you." Rolling his eyes he hands me the lit fire.

"I'm the one getting burned so just do it." What a fucking prick."Sei così fottutamente irritante.(You're so fucking irritating.)"

"If you're going to talk crap at least do it in English." I hissed up go him as his blindly glared back at me."You know what for some reason a blind man glaring at you send chills up my spine." I laughed as I finally started to burn the flesh together. "How did this even happen?"

"Some idiot was playing with a gun at the shop and I guess it shot me."

"Wouldn't you hear it or feel it?" I asked as if he was the dummy in this room.

"Not if it was a silencer and like I said before-" he shrugged-"I can rarely feel anything anymore." Nodding I continue.

"We're done. Also you're not going home. I'm going to take care of you."


"Wasn't a request." I scolded him as I cut him off. Grabbing his hand and lead him back to the living room.

"We cleaned up the blood." Bree smiled."Are you okay, Mr. Payne?"

"Yes, Ms. Gonzalez." He answered as we took a seat on the couch.

"What happened?" Adam asked as he handed out beers.

"I got shot." After explaining everything that happened we started playing Monopoly."I fucking hate this game."
"Yo, I never fucked Wayne, I never fucked Drake
All my life, man, fuck's sake
If I did I menage with 'em
And let 'em eat my ass like a cupcake
My man full, he just ate, I don't duck nobody but tape
Yeah, that was a set up for a punchline on duct tape
Worried bout if my butt fake
Worried 'bout y'all niggas, us straight
These girls are my sons, John and Kate plus Eight
When I walk in, sit up straight, I don't give a fuck if I was late
Dinner with my man on a G5 is my idea of an update
Hut one, hut two, big titties, big butt too
Fuck with them real niggas who don't tell niggas what they up to
Had to show bitches where the top is, ring finger where the rock is
These hoes couldn't test me even if their name was pop quiz
Bad bitches who I fuck with, mad bitches we don't fuck with
I don't fuck with them chickens unless they last name is cutlet
Let it soak in, like seasonin'
And tell 'em, bitches blow me, Lance Stephenson. Raise every bottle and cup in the sky. Sparks in the air like the Fourth of July. Nothing but bad bitches in here tonight!" Tonya screamed her lyrics as Maddox continued to cook.

Shaking my head I walk behind Maddox and wrapped my arms around his waist."She's crazy." He chuckled."I'm almost done."

"You're not listening." Tonya whined as Maddox placed food on our plates.

"I am. You haven't fucked Wayne nor Drake and they need to respect you and mind their business, am I right?"

"Correct." She smiled once she grabbed her plate and headed towards the living room."Thanks, Payne." After a couple minutes Dox tapped my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"I'm gonna go out for a smoke."

"You can go to the terrace. I'll show you where it is-"

"No, I'll take him. I have a question to ask anyways." Nodding Jake lead Maddox to the terrace.

"I like him." Winnie said as the others agreed. Smiling I sit up and open the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I glared as Daniel pushed past me."Get out."

"So you're going on dates now." Rolling my eyes I try tug him out."Let go."

"Dude you need to fucking leave." Ethan growled as he stood to his feet along with Adam and David."Now."

"Make me, pretty boy."

"Why are you yelling?" Maddox asked as he and Jake came back into the living room.

"Who the fuck are you?" Daniel questioned as he walked up to a confused Maddox.


"Oh so you're the one she went on a date with." He laughed."I'm her ex."

"Okay, and I'm her boyfriend." He responded unbothered." Is there a problem?" Silence fell upon the room which made him smile."That's what I thought. What happened, piccola?"

"He came in here all big in mighty trying to scare everyone even though he's 5'5." Bree cut me off as she told Dox what happened.

"I asked if there was a problem and you didn't have the balls to answer, but when it comes to her you're a fucking thug." He chuckled darkly."Dovrei tagliarti la testa e spedirla a tua madre.(I should cut your head off and ship it to your mother.) Apologize."

"I'm s-sorry that I came here and caused a problem."

"Now I advise you to leave, kid." Nodding Daniel scurried out the door."Americans." He groaned as he rolled his eyes.

Daniel Dirk

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Daniel Dirk


Check out my other stories Mafia Love and Our Darkest Sides.

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