Chapter 39. Testing You

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Pulling out my cigar I light it and slowly take a hit out of the rolled up tobacco."What is it that you need, kid?" I asked as I exhaled the smoke.

"I'm gonna need you to stay away from Madison." I couldn't help the slight chuckle that escaped my lips."I know who you are."

"It doesn't take a scientist to know who I am. I'm literally on google." Bursting out in fits of laughter I hear him shuffling around." You know who I am, so what's your next move?" I questioned taking another hit.

"All I have to do is show her all the articles and the voice recording of you saying who you are. Not so smart after all huh?" Slowly clapping for him he scoffs.

"Bravo, I'm honestly so shocked that you came up with that little scheme all by yourself. But here's the thing, if you tell her I will simply kill you. And don't worry it was an 'accidental' car crash that involved your whole family. You wouldn't want that would you? You wouldn't want to put your family and yourself in jeopardy for someone you cheated on, right?" Smiling I step closer to him."That girl in there is mine. Every inch of her and there's not shit you can do about it."

"You're a blind man in a killer country someone will get you."

"A country that I own just like how I own Madison's pus-" cutting me off he points a finger in my chest.

"Don't. You. Dare."

"Non sei divertente.(You're no fun.)" I sighed." I like to test people's stupidity, kid, so I'm asking you. What the fuck are you gonna do?"

"I-I won't tell her."

"Good boy."

"Mr. Payne." Sato, one of my men, whispers to me as he snaps me back to reality."Are you alright?" Nodding I clear my throat to gain everyone's attention.

"We've been here far too long." I stated as I fixed my tie."You called me here for business not for games."

"Come on, Mr. Payne. Have some fun." Robert James, a business associate, laughed along with his men."But you want to talk business so we'll talk business. I want three million dollars and in return I'll give you three kilos of molly." You've got to be fucking with me.

"Sta scherzando.(He's joking.) You've got to be joking." I scoffed."You wasted my fucking time, Robert." Standing up to leave I hear a gun clock.

"You ain't leavin until I get my money."

"You're the only one aiming a gun. What does that tell you?" Getting no response I continue." I like to test people's stupidity and I'm happy to say this kid, but you failed. So I'm gonna show you my definition of fun." Hearing Sato stand to his feet I stop him from going forward."I advise you to run." Hearing a gun drop and shuffling I smile."This place is already locked down?"

"Yes." Smiling I take out my karambits and twirl them around my fingers." We'll be here." Walking down the hall I listen for him. Hearing a small tap of water to birds chirping in the distance then struggles to leave the abandon building made me feel overwhelmed by happiness.

"Robby." I called out as he began banging on shit to try and fuck me over." I still know where you are fucker. I'm blind not stupid!" I yelled as I neared the spot he was at."GOT YOU!" Grabbing him by his shirt I headbutt him making him fall to the floor."That was way easier than I thought it was gonna be. I thought we were gonna have some badass knife fight but oh well." I sighed as I kicked him in the face knocking him cold."Sato!"

"Yes, Mr. Payne?"

"Bring him to the compound." I instruct as I walked out the abandon building towards my car. Putting in my address I sit back and call Madison.

"Hello." There she is. The girl that's been having me star struck these past few months for some fucking reason.

"I miss you." I don't miss people. I don't even fucking like them.

"I saw you this morning." She laughed her beautiful laugh.

"I know, but still. Will you come over?" I begged. Yes, I Maddox Payne begged her to come over. I'm just as shocked as you are.

"Sure, but I have a bone to pick with you."

"And that is?"

"You didn't ask me to be your girlfriend like your supposed to, so I would like you to."

"Madison Ross will you be my girlfriend?" Never in my thirty years on this god forsaken planet have I ever had those words leave my mouth.

"Of course. Now what time am I heading over there?"


"Okay I'll see you later."

"Bye, piccola." Fuck me.
Check out my other stories Mafia Love and Our Darkest Sides.

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