Intro To B.M.P Characters

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Manger Hu=Madison's singing manager.

Principal Harris=Principal of Shamrock University. Also a close military friend to Maddox.

Jake Dawson=Club owner. A close friend to Madison, Bree, and Tonya. Still has feelings for Madison.

Adam Cruz=Actor. Boyfriend to Bree. Does not like Jake. Protects the girls.

Bree Gonzalez=Actress. Girlfriend to Adam. Has been best friends with the girls since birth.

Tonya Summers=Rapper. Has been besties with Madison and Bree since birth.

Madison Ross=Famous singer. Wants to find a serious relationship one day. Wants to be a forensic nurse after she retires from her singing career.
Maddox Payne=Ex military man. Most feared mafia leader in the world. Very intelligent and strict. Very territorial. And has been blind for seventeen years.

Prague=Maddox's ex military dog and current support system.

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