Chapter 17. Fake Things

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"Have you seen this." I shoved my phone towards Bree and Tonya. Bree laughed a bitter laugh as Tonya looked like she was about to blow.

"Omg I'm Tina the pathetic little author of 'Lovers' magazine. I ruin people's lives with fake rumors, omg." She said in a fake squeaky voice mimicking Tina Richards as she did Tina's famous hair flip.

" She said in a fake squeaky voice mimicking Tina Richards as she did Tina's famous hair flip

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"That little cunt." Tonya seethed. I giggled at both of them."Let's go, I'm pissed."

"Sleepover?" I suggested with a smile. She returned my smile slowly calming down."Let's do it!" I grabbed them and pushed them through the doors."Bye Liam." He waved as I passed him.

"Who's Liam?" I laughed to myself.

"He was the guy that took my fake ID when I was sixteen." They giggled as we waited for Mike, Bree's driver, to pick us up.

"Hello girls, did you have a fun night?" We nodded and hopped into the back seat.

We were laughing and talking when I got a text from Hu.

Hu: Just so you know you have an interview with Tina

Me: Kay

"What happened?" Tonya asked, worry present in her voice.

"Hu told me I'll have an interview with Tina." She nodded.

"Good, you better put that bitch in her place." I grinned.

"Just for you."

"Um bitch, what about me?" We turned to see Bree looking at us with a hurt expression.

"You too."

"Great, I knew I was your favorite." Tonya put her hand up.

"Nigga no, it's me." I rolled my eyes."Right?"

"It's honestly Mike." They both gasped.

"Woah dat fake as fuck." Bree scoffed."Mike?" She tapped his shoulder.


"So we stealin best friends now?" Mike chuckled while shaking his head.

"No ma'am, she's all yours." I gasped. Kind of feeling hurt now.

"Really Mike, I thought we were besties?" Tonya and Bree gave me the eye.

"It don't feel good now do it?" Tonya said.

"No." I pouted.
Check out my other stories "Mafia Love" and "Our Darkest Sides".

A Blind Man's PossessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora