42 - The End?

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Shayne woke up in his own bed. He stretched, moving his sore jaw. He cleared his throat and emerged from underneath his quilt. Then the memories came rushing in.

"WHOA!" He hollered stupidly in bed. He blinked. Cocked his head. Scratched it curiously. That dream... was it real? It sure felt real. It was one strange dream, he had to admit that. He groaned, checking the date on his phone sitting patiently beside his bed. That dream felt like it had lasted a week... maybe even a month. But according to his phone... it had only lasted one night. He rubbed his aching head. Was he hungover? Was that what happened?

He kicked off his covers and sat in bed. He remembered his entire dream. That was new; normally he only remembered bits and pieces. And boy was it a crazy one. Everyone he knew was in it somehow. He wondered if they had the same odd dream that he did...


Courtney gasped awake, flinging off her covers and shivering. What a dream. She got up and scampered over to her kitchen, half blinded, because she didn't let her eyes adjust to the brightness after she flicked on the lights. She opened the refrigerator and poured milk into her mouth. To her relief, it tasted like milk should. She relaxed. She opened a window and screamed when she saw a bird innocently staring at her. She waited for it to speak, grabbing her nearest book to slam the window (or her head, for that matter) with.

The bird just blinked at her with a puzzled expression, before flying off. Courtney closed the window and checked her phone.

Try Not to Laugh today.

Was she experiencing déjà vu or was her dream insanely realistic to her? She decided to tell the squad about it later when they met up for Try Not to Laugh, as her phone suggested. She went back into her room and opened her closet to get dressed for the day. She sighed, running a hand through her hair. What an odd morning.


Damien gasped awake to be greeted by his two cats. He couldn't help but feel a little sad that neither of them were Mittens from his dream, but he greeted them hello. Then he thought about it. The dream was terribly real and some pretty weird stuff occurred in it. Surely it wasn't a coincidence.

He groaned. It probably was. He couldn't help but remember what one of the people from his dream said, whose name was Phil? Or Bob? Scott? "Basically everything happening will just be a very vague dream. All of this. Half of it you probably won't even remember."

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha bullsh(bloop).


Olivia woke up feeling ill. "Oh, god, what a nightmare." She felt like she'd been asleep for years. Everything that happened in her dream was slightly terrifying, not to mention, that people knew she was dreaming within her dream. A small part of her was curious whether or not everyone else had the same dream. She shrugged before calling her boyfriend Sam.

"Hey, Liv," Sam said sweetly. Olivia felt blush warm up her face just by hearing his voice again. "It's pretty early babe, what's up?" She tucked a stray hair behind her ear before replying.

"It's just been too long since I've seen you." Olivia sighed.

Sam went silent from the phone. "I'm glad you think one night is 'too long'," she heard him smirk with a small exhale through his nose. "Look, I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay. I gotta go try not to laugh anyways."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They hung up and Olivia felt pretty satisfied. She left to go to the studio.


Ian gasped awake, his hands falling to his stomach. He was immediately reassured that everything was right with the world for once.

And then his cheeks flushed a dark red and he covered his head with the blanket with an embarrassed groan. Yeah, no, that dream was definitely staying to himself.


Noah woke up in relief. He clutched his sheets and smiled. But then a sense of dread flooded over him. He wiped the growing bead of sweat on his brow. He slowly peeked outside. Nothing out of the ordinary. Noah swallowed, then called the one person he always called: Keith.


Keith was awoken by the ringing of his cell phone. He yawned, stretching, fumbling for the device and holding it up to his ear. "Hello...?"

"Hey, dude," Noah responded.

"Hey! Noah! You're okay, man!" Keith exclaimed. "That's great to hear!"

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Noah asked curiously.

Keith took a while to answer. "Um... no reason. I'll see you at the group Try Not To Laugh, okay man?"

"Yeah, dude. I just... nevermind, I'll tell you when I see you." Noah hung up and Keith wondered what it was that Noah wanted to talk about.

"Guess I'll find out later," Keith shrugged, getting ready.


Noah couldn't help but be curious by Keith's random call. Perhaps it wasn't such a normal day after all. He got into his car and drove to the studio, awaiting the arrival of everyone else. But he couldn't stop thinking about that disturbing dream he had. He chuckled thinking about it, remarking to himself how retelling it to the squad would be ridiculous. But, not to mention, hilarious. He pondered on writing down dreams and acting them out on Smosh Pit Theater.

He walked in to see everyone. Even Ian there, which, he recalled, didn't happen in his dream. He sighed in relief.

"Hey, Noah," Courtney responded awkwardly.

"Hey, Court," Noah murmured back.

They all stared at each other for a while, blinking.

Finally, Olivia spoke up. "Guys, did any of you-?" She didn't finish. They all exchanged glances. "Did you-?"

Then they all spoke together simultaneously. "Guys, last night I had the strangest dream..."



Shout outs to @indium_  @Caseseeker and as well as @Cozi12 @AddictOfTheGallery @AlwaysEmj and many, many others (there's so many of you I can't even) who have encouraged me with votes and comments to keep writing. And thank you to my many mysterious readers. You all mean the world to me; I never expected to get 1,000 reads. Why you waste your time with this adventure, I dunno. But it's finally over, and boy was it a blast to write. Have to admit I've spent a couple of all-nighters on this one XD

If you haven't already (SHAMEFUL ADVERTISING WARNING AAAAAAAHHHHH) check out It's Complicated (if you want, I mean, it's pretty, uh, it's complicated) and I've started a new story Spy coming out featuring Court Bourt! (uh both stories are mature so death and cussing and other... stuff is in both warning)

Thanks again for all your support in this story, and hope to see you around!

- RAWT :)

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