24 - Convenience is Key

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Red was hungrily munching down flapjacks while Shayne and Courtney were just picking parts of it with their fork. They were hungry, but they were mostly worried about their friends.

"We never did use the phone," Shayne said quietly, as they feasted in the small room while other guests enjoyed their continental breakfast at tables.

"Who would we call, anyway? Like... Matt Raub or something?" Courtney pointed out. "Or like... anyone from... Smosh Games?"

Shayne shook his head. "I don't know... how are they supposed to get to Germany?!"

"Well, who else are we supposed to call?!" Courtney asked him exasperatedly. Red froze with a piece of egg on its way into her mouth.

"I... I don't know. Like our parents would believe us," Shayne rolled his eyes, "I'm not the type of person to ask these questions to," He pushed away his half-eaten breakfast and went to go sit down on his mat.

"I'mma call Mari," Courtney sighed. "Maybe she can help us...?"

"Do you even know Mari's number?" Shayne asked, slightly annoyed with the fact that he would probably have to talk to someone.

"Who's Mari?" Red asked with a mouth full of food.

"One of our other friends," Shayne told her dismissively, then turned back to Courtney. "We need to get back to LA, for crying out loud! What's the point of calling anyone?!"

"Because they might know where Ian, Keith, Noah, Olivia and Damien are, Shayne!" Courtney looked down. "I'm... I'm worried about them. I want to find them."

Shayne's expression softened a little. "Me too... I mean, I guess we can call someone. That would be the smart thing to do." He looked like he was about to condemn himself.

"Nah, it's okay." Courtney, as casually as she could muster, put her arm around Shayne. For comfort. Nothing else she reminded herself sternly, although her arm longed to lay there for hours. She felt her heart start to accelerate and calmly told it to shut up.

"Hmmwhat?" Shayne asked.

"Nothing," Courtney said quickly, thinking to herself I said that out loud?!

He left the room with Courtney (Red was trailing suspiciously behind them, occasionally making kissy-faces at Courtney, who would shoot her dirty looks) and went back to the man behind the desk. "'Scuse me," he said cooly as possible, because Courtney had literally froze, "uh, can we, uh, use your... phone, here?"

"Yes..." the man answered, expecting there to be more said, but when Shayne got the phone the man went silent and just sat awkwardly behind the desk.

Shayne punched in numbers and silently prayed someone would pick up.

"Sh(bloop)," he cursed under his breath as no one answered.

"Call back," Courtney pressured him.

"Yeah," Red added, not sure what was going on.

Shayne tried again. He continued trying and cursing until the man behind the desk asked if he was sober, causing Courtney and him to redden.

"Uhmmm...... yeah," Shayne replied to the man, who just stared at them in both amusement and confusion. Then he whooped. "FINALLY!"

"Hello?" a confused feminine voice from the other end of the phone answered. Probably Mari, Shayne told himself. No one else, hopefully.

"Mari Takahashi?" Shayne asked hopefully.

"Shayne?!" Mari gasped from the phone. "What-"

"It's Shayne?!" Lasercorn's voice asked incredulously, and Mari answered with a quick "Yup".

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