29 - In a Blackout

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"Hey Ian! Let's go, come on!" Anthony tugged on Ian's sleeve. Ian snored loudly. Anthony jumped on Ian's bed, and Ian grumbled a response, rolling over. Anthony fixed his emo hair and while he was at it went ahead and messed up Ian's bowl haircut.

"ANTHONY! Hey... YOU MESSED UP MY BOWL CUT, BI(bloop)!" Ian yelled, suddenly wide awake.

"Deal with it, bi(bloop)!" Anthony crowed. "Now let's gooo!"

"You dick," Ian said, his blue eyes shining with annoyance. But he fixed his hair. "Where are we going, anyways?" he asked, getting excited.

"You idiot!" Anthony exclaimed. "I can't believe you forgot."

"Well, what'd I forget?!" Ian said, slightly exasperated, especially by the fact that Anthony had messed up his hair.

"Umm..." Anthony stammered. Then he sat down on their couch and thought for a while. "You made me lose my train of thought!" he accused Ian, shoving him in the chest.

"Must have not been that important, then." Ian stuck out his tongue at Anthony as if he were a six year old girl. Which he didn't have many differences with, actually. You could get confused telling the difference between Ian and a six-year-old girl very easily.

But, he had his moments, Anthony sighed. Just look how cute of a douche he's being right now. He's the best friend because he's the most stupid. But you gotta love him.

"Umm..." Anthony tried to remember what he was thinking of. Then, it was like a mini lightbulb went off in his head. "Wait! I got it! It was on the table!"

"What was on the table?" Ian asked.

"The thing I was thinking of," Anthony responded. They rushed to the table to find a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut, and a burrito.

"Huh." Ian said. Then his face lit up. "Aww, you made me bweakfast!" He gushed, clasping his hands together.

"What? No!" Anthony said. "And who eats burritos for breakfast?"

"Uh, breakfast burrito? Hell-o?" He paused. "Wait. Is it D-O nuts, or is it D-O-U-G-H nuts?" Ian asked, before snickering. "Heh, nuts."

"Doesn't matter!" Anthony threw his hands up. "Look what it is, Ian!" He gestured to the table.

Ian stared dumbly at the pink frosted sprinkle doughnut. "A do-nut?" he asked.

"It's your FAVORITE FOOD!" Anthony exclaimed.

"Oh..." Ian nodded, but he still didn't seem like he'd gotten it. Anthony rolled his eyes, and punched Ian.

"We're doing Food Battle 2009 today," Anthony said, annoyed.

Ian's face contorted after Anthony punched him, but then his face lit up. "Ohhh Riiight! You died last year!" He remembered, then an angry, mischievous expression came onto his face. He dramatically pointed a finger at Anthony. "You think your stupid burrito can do more everyday tasks than-"

"Save it for the actual video, you weirdo." Anthony said, rolling his eyes.

Ian shoved the doughnut in his mouth anyways, and then he gagged, making Anthony laugh out loud. "It's NOT funny!" Ian protested, coughing slightly.

"Fine." Anthony pouted. "I'll stop."

"Okie," Ian looked cheerful again as he skipped out of the kitchen like the little idiot he is. Anthony sighed again. He's so cute.

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