8 - Courtney and Shayne

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Courtney woke up next to Shayne. That relaxed her. What didn't relax her was she felt airsick. And she was strapped down. He was, too, but he was still knocked out.

She wondered if this entire thing was a dream, but before she could wonder anything else, their captors entered the room. The strange kidnappers grinned at her, their strange silver antenna and jumpsuits shimmering in the light that coursed through the room.

Or was it a room? She looked around to see an engine, a pilot who looked just like the other oddly familiar strangers, and through a window she could see the ground, an estimated eighty feet below her. She was definitely in some sort of ship.

Beside her, Shayne stirred. She watched him as he woke up, not being able to help herself. I mean, what else was there to do, anyways? She watched his chest rise and fall and then stop its rhythmic rising and falling when he woke up. His eyes fluttered, and he yelped when he saw Courtney there. She cringed.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," Courtney apologized.

"It's fine," he said. He looked around, weirded out. "Where are we?"

"I wish I knew," Courtney sighed. "All I know is we're above ground."

Shayne strained his neck to see the ground below him. "Great," he said sarcastically. "Who wouldn't want to be unable to move, in the air, and have no idea what the hell's going on?" He rolled his eyes, but caught the glances of the alien-like creatures. They, as well as having silver antenna and dark green jumpsuits, had locks of abnormal green hair that fell over their faces. Their smiles faltered slightly when Shayne stared at them. They clasped their hands together, as if waiting for Shayne or Courtney to make a move to either escape or ask them a question.

Courtney did one of these. "Who are you?! Where are you taking us?!"

"Why, we saved your lives!" One of the creatures said in a jumpy voice. His pitch changed with every syllable. "You were falling from a tall building and we knew we could rescue you humans!"

Shayne put a hand to his head. "Oh no..."

Courtney still didn't understand. "But, WHO ARE YOU?!"

Another creature spoke up. "We are aliens coming to liven things up. At least we saved your li-ives, silly. Now you shall do one thing for us."

"Courtney," Shayne whispered. "It's them."

Courtney caught on. "Oh god, no," she groaned.

They suddenly both felt a lot more uncomfortable than before.

"Yes, we shall learn one of the hottest jams us aliens do know!" one of them excitedly crowed.

"Why, so you can probe us?" Shayne asked dryly.

The aliens all frowned. One alien came forward with an old-fashioned boombox.

"Jizzlepits?" the pitchy alien said. "Why not we get them started?" Courtney and Shayne were released from their seats and were forced to stand up.

"Hell yeah!" 'Jizzlepits' whooped.

'Wait!" said Courtney. "Before you uh, er... teach us the dance," she stumbled over her words, "do you have anything to eat? It's not good to dance with an empty stomach."

"Is that accurate?" Shayne asked in a whisper.

"Just go with it," Courtney muttered.

"Oh, yes, well we were to be hijacking a human-plane soon," one alien said. "So maybe we wait until after hijacking take place."

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