15 - On the Road Again...

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Mittens decided to join everyone going to confront Wish a Dream (they were furious when they found out that's what had happened), so Damien held the cat in his arms. Damien would occasionally scratch him under his chin or rub his head, so Mittens couldn't complain.

Mochi didn't want to come, so she decided to stay back at "camp" with the rest of the pieces. She kept wailing about "not wanting to get into anymore trouble". Drama queen, thought the cat.

"It would've been nice if they'd given us a car or something," Noah muttered. He and Keith were both pushing Ian's chair. "How are we supposed to walk all the way there from here?"

Ian tried to fall asleep. He was exhausted, after all, but he just couldn't get comfortable. Gee, I wonder why, he thought to himself sarcastically.

"Can't you just push yourself?" Keith grumpily asked Ian.

"Do I look like I can fu(bleep)ing push myself?" Ian asked, annoyed. That shut Keith up.

Olivia walked beside Ian's chair. "I wonder if we could catch a ride," she said.

"Who is there to trust?" Damien asked her, stroking Mittens.

"I don't know," Olivia sighed. "Just... wishful thinking."

"Supposedly, it isn't far," Damien reminded them, trying to stay positive.

"Yeah, sure." Keith complained. "I'm tired! I haven't slept for a night because I was in a vacuum with Noah and a lady and dust!" he shivered at the memory.

"I haven't slept for two nights," Noah shot back.

"Small talk?" Olivia asked Ian hopefully, trying to ignore Noah and Keith's bickering..

"Yeah, sure. Distract me," Ian mumbled.

"So... how did you make it all the way to the king?" Olivia asked him. "I know Keith and Noah were sucked up by that vacuum, but you just kind of... showed up."

"It's disappointing, but I remember absolutely nothing about how I got here," Ian said honestly. He pushed his glasses up. "What I do remember is I randomly showed up at Anthony's house, slept there, and woke up about an inch tall." Ian told her.

Olivia looked confused. "That's weird... because not only are you pregnant, but you also broke your leg, right?" Unlike all of the other members, she didn't think it was too awkward to state the truth.

"Yeah..." Ian said.

"Well, how would you get into a house and all the way over here all during one night?"

"No idea. Maybe that's just how the stupid coin works." He rolled his eyes.

"But you saw Anthony?" She asked.

"Yeah, for some reason I showed up there and he found me by his door."

"Is any of this happening to him?" Olivia questioned.

Ian shook his head. "He quit, so it didn't affect him." Then he gave a long sigh.

"Do you wish that you'd quit?" Olivia asked quietly after a short silence.

"No," Ian assured her, giving her a small smile. "Things are pretty great, thanks to you guys." He frowned. "Well, not right now, but things ought to get better... I hope,"

Behind them, Noah and Keith continued to bicker and complain about how tired they were, while Damien quietly walked beside them.

"It's funny how they're complaining about not being able to sleep when you're over here fu(bleep)ing pregnant and with a broken leg." Olivia said.

Damien snorted, making Noah and Keith stop arguing and stare at him strangely.

Ian chuckled. "Yeah," he shrugged, "I guess I am in pretty bad shape at the moment. But honestly, I feel a bit better now. Thanks, Olivia."

Olivia grinned. "Glad I could help."

"Were you guys talking about us?" Keith asked accusingly.

Olivia and Ian exchanged glances. "Nah," they said.

"Olivia, you never did tell us how you got to be the new queen," Damien pointed out.

Ian stared at her. "You're royalty?!" He gasped dramatically. He jokingly tried to execute a bow, but groaned. He gave up.

"Yeah," Olivia answered, shrugging. "Well, just till we free the actual queen. I would have told you earlier-"

Noah nodded. "-but that rook interrupted you. What happened to you?"

"Yeah Olivia, tell us!" Keith got excited.

Olivia smiled. All of the guys were ready for her mini-adventure.

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