30 - The Founders

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It was really weird looking at a motionless Ian. Courtney was just expecting him to jolt awake and laugh tauntingly at their shocked expressions, claiming that they got "pranked", and reassure them he was fine, completely fine. Then they'd probably kill him later for making them think he wasn't okay. But she just wanted him to wake up and smile at her, his bright blue eyes shining from behind his glasses.

"Hey, Court Bourt," she imagined him saying as he woke up. And she'd just grin and hug him. Heck, he's almost like my dad. My friend, who's also my dad. I can't lose my work dad.

She laughed sadly to herself. No, he's definitely more like my mom.

At the very least, she expected him to at least complain about eating. Ian's always been a foodie; if there's food in a video, he's always wanting to be in it. She tried to imagine him waking up and breaking the silence with one of his sarcastic comments, like he always did.

But he didn't. He just laid there, his face white as the bandage wrapped around his head, the ventilator breathing for him. His bump rose and fell rhythmically as the machine beeped.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Fu(bleep) those beeps, Courtney cursed in her mind. She felt so angry, but then she just shook her head in disbelief, and this cloud of sadness washed over her. He can't be gone. She felt tears forming in her eyes, then looked away from Ian.

She only then noticed everyone else in the room. Damien sat quietly beside Ian, his head in his hands. His cheeks were wet with tears. Mittens rubbed up against his legs to try and comfort him. Olivia sat on the other side of Ian, crying to herself. Joven stood next to what looked like a pawn, who looked over at Shayne and Courtney.

At the sight of them, everyone reacted. Damien stood up and walked over to the two of them and brought them into a hug. "Guys," he said, relieved. Shayne and Courtney hugged him tightly. Shayne could feel his best friend shaking.

Courtney ran over to hug Olivia, who just sobbed louder. Courtney began crying, too.

Shayne just stared into Damien's watery eyes. He tried to calm himself down with one long shuddery breath. "Damien," he got out calmly as he could, "someone needs to explain what the fu(bleep) is going on."

Mittens scoffed. "Damn, you don't know sh(bloop), do you?" He shook his black head slowly.

Shayne glanced at the cat, and Damien just sighed. "He's my..." he tried to think of the right word, "...companion. He found me by the hospital." Damien sat down in a chair, and Shayne sat beside his friend. "Listen, a lot has happened. But luckily... luckily we found you guys."

"What happened?" Shayne pressured Damien. Courtney made her way over, too, with a sniffling Olivia. "It's hard, but we need to... know."

Damien nodded, sniffling himself. He cleared his throat. "Well, we showed up here," Damien began, "and the king explained everything going on. The king said that they were from another universe. And they... they sent us out to find the Wish a Dream people, because Mittens said that... well, this Smosh Hater wished for this to happen, and the Wish a Dream people made his wish come true." Damien braced himself for Shayne's response.

"So all of this... all of this sh(bloop) that's been happening to us," Shayne got out, his eyes flashing and his breathing getting faster, "was just this stupid kid who didn't like us?!" Shayne finished angrily. "How'd they even make things happen?!" He stood up.

Noah stepped forward and placed a dull gray coin in Shayne's palm. Shayne studied it carefully, before asking, "What the fu(bleep) is this?"

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