14 - Forest Freak-Out

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Shayne and Courtney were extremely high up on that UFO, so they continued falling toward the ground for at least fifteen more seconds. Then, they looked down and saw a foggy forest, filled with dark trees. They ripped through large leaves and branches, which luckily slowed their fall, and flopped into a small pond deep in the forest below.

Shayne was the first to resurface. The stinging-cold water rippled around him as he blinked to get it out of his eyes. "Courtney?" he coughed, treading. He became frightened. "Courtney?!"

Courtney broke through the water and Shayne was relieved. "Courtney!" he gasped. He swam over to her. They stayed in the freezing water for a little bit. "Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I'm fine," she assured him, coughing slightly. They swam to the edge of the lake and climbed out, shivering. "Where... where are we?"

Shayne stared at Courtney. "And you expect me to know this?!"

"I don't know, I'm just saying my thoughts aloud!" Courtney said, exasperated.

Shayne took off his jacket and gave it to Courtney, whose lips were blue. He also couldn't help thinking... I was wearing a jacket?

"Where's the kid?" Courtney asked Shayne, wrapped in his jacket.

"Yo! Jordan!" Shayne called. No response. Shayne shrugged. "Oh, well, guess we can ditch him then, and be on our way-"

"We should still find him," Courtney protested. Shayne sighed.

"Fine, fine, we'll look." Shayne caved.

Courtney and Shayne journeyed through the thick forest. Several eyes leered at them through tree leaves and thickets. They gradually picked up speed. Soon, their priority changed from finding Jordan to surviving the forest.

Courtney led the way, terrified by every little thing. She felt weeds and other plants brush against her legs. She carefully stepped over rocks and tree roots. When they eventually had to go downhill, she cautiously slid down the hill. She turned around to see if Shayne was following, and he wasn't too far behind.

Her heart practically stopped when she unexpectedly tripped over a tree root. She yelped, but before she could fall on the rocky ground below, Shayne's arm swooped underneath her and caught her. "Are you okay?" Shayne asked.

"Y-yeah," Courtney stuttered. She could feel her cheeks get warm with embarrassment.

They slowly trudged through the forest maze, hiking upwards. Shayne's long breaths had changed into short and quick ones. After a while, he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. When he saw Courtney was falling behind, he went back and grabbed her hand. "We really shouldn't get lost," he told her, "it's just common sense." He squeezed Courtney's hand to reassure her.

After walking for a while, they both got tired. Shayne tried to see through the canopy and to the sky, but the trees blocked out almost all of the sunlight, so everything was just... dark.

"How am I supposed to know what time it is when these trees won't let me see anything?" Shayne grumbled as they headed downhill.

"We should probably find shelter, or something." Courtney suggested.

Suddenly, a giant spotlight went down from the tops of the trees. Shayne gasped. "Do you think those are the aliens?!" he asked nervously.

"What else would be shaped like a giant UFO?" Courtney replied. "Hide!"

They looked around for a place to hide, and they found a thicket. A deep, deep thicket. There was nowhere else to go but forward, so the duo slowly crept into the thicket, getting onto their hands and knees.

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