9 - Noah

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"Hello there, young man!"

Noah woke up to a voice that, to him, sounded like a warbly granny out of some cartoon. His eyes fluttered to see a lady with blond hair. "...Courtney?" he asked the voice.

"No dear, but you may call me Miss Becca." The lady said kindly. Noah sat up and pain shot up his side. He winced and layed back down on the lady's couch. He glanced around the small little cottage to see everything was petite and cute: she had a small tea kettle whistling a merry tune, a soft dog bed to the left of the couch across from him and a small old fashioned television set in front of him. The blanket he was under was hand-knitted, probably by the lady who claimed to be "Miss Becca".

Sweet Mochi found you and another young man by the debris of the hospital." she shook her head. "Those poor, poor, people. As if they weren't suffering enough." she eyed Noah suspiciously. "Do you have any clue how that entire structure just collapsed?"

"Er... nope," Noah lied.

She seemed to believe him. "Would you like a cup of warm milk? Or a water? Or fresh lemonade? Anything, dear."

Noah's eyes narrowed. "I know what you're doing, You little trickster! You think that'll work on me, huh?" he spat at her.

Miss Becca blinked at him. "Pardon?" she asked, her voice trembling. Her eyes had gone glossy with fear.

Noah stopped. "I'm sorry," he apologized, "but there's a person after me and my friends who can disguise as anyone..." he gasped. "Wait, who was the other guy you found?"

"Oh, he's already awake, dear," Miss Becca said. "Mochi is in the bedroom with him. She's taken a very quick liking to that boy." she looked concerned. "Who is this person chasing you? I'm sorry you can no longer trust anyone."

Mochi... why did that name sound so familiar?

"Oh, I'd uh... prefer not to mention the person," Noah started kindly, "but can I go to the bedroom? I'm with a group of friends, and I want to see if one of them is in there."

"Sure, if your side doesn't hurt enough to get over there." Miss Becca said, before moseying along into the kitchen. "In a little while I'll bring you boys a snack." It was almost like she was treating him like her child. Noah couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. He swung his legs down off of the small couch and placed the blanket beside him folded neatly. Noah carefully got to his feet and tried his best not to groan as his side ached.

He went to the bedroom and saw Keith petting a white poodle with blue bows in her hair. The poodle stopped when she saw Noah and her eyes grew wide. Her small tail was tucked in between her legs and she shivered.

"Good job, you scared her," Keith said.

"How about 'Oh, hey, Noah! Good to see you're alive"!? Noah remarked, annoyed by Keith's greeting. He sat down on the mattress, causing Mochi to scoot farther away from him.

Keith rubbed Mochi's head. "Sorry," he apologized, "but Mochi is so nice, and she's told me a lot." he looked over at Noah. "Didn't you play a poodle named Mochi in the 'Every Dog Ever' sketch?"

"No wonder that name sounded familiar," Noah muttered. "And what do you mean, 'she's told you a lot'?" He stared suspiciously at Mochi, causing her eyes to get even wider.

"Mochi here can speak English for some reason," Keith explained. "I think its cool, but she was telling me about the dangers of vacuum cleaners."

"Vacuums?" Noah asked, exasperated. "Of course she's scared of vacuums, she's a dog!"

"I don't know," Keith said seriously, "she could be onto something. She said the vacuum talks to her and tells her it's going to kill the lady out there."

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