33 - The Interrogation

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RAWT Note: In case you didn't know, italics are usually thoughts or memories. Sorry, this chapter gets a bit long for clarification, but whatever.

Ian gagged, and water sprayed from his mouth. Anthony cracked up, but looked very concerned for his friend at the same time.

"What was that?" Anthony had asked.

Ian continued to loudly gargle the water, determined to convey this chosen song to Anthony.

"What is happening?" Anthony asked the crew, bewildered by Ian's obnoxious gargling.

"It's epic," Ian claimed, after spitting up more water. This repeated about three more times. Then Ian coughed up more water and looked over at Anthony, water dribbling down his chin and adding to the growing puddle of backwash on the table.

"Did you get it?" Ian asked patiently.

Anthony stared at Ian. "No..."

Ian sighed and continued gargling, sounding something like this: "Bawr-bawr bawl-bawl-bawr, bawr-bawr bawl-bawl-bawr-" Then he spat out more water.

As he coughed, Anthony tried to repeat what Ian had gargled. "Bah-bah bah-dah-dah, bah-bah bah-dah-dah..." he continued to look confused. "I think I need to hear it again," Anthony told his friend reluctantly.

Ian coughed.. "Ugh, there's so much water!"

"Alright, alright, it was Star Wars," Anthony laughed, and Ian sighed, relieved. He didn't have to put any more water in his mouth, thank goodness.

"What Star Wars song?" Ian asked in between coughing fits.

"I don't know, but it sounds like somebody is peeing," Anthony remarked. "Look how much water is dripping off the table right now!"

"It's 'DUEL OF FATES'!" Ian exclaimed, after Anthony guessed every other movie besides Phantom Menace. Anthony cracked up again, and Ian rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling at his friend's lack of knowledge when it came to Star Wars films.

Sometimes being bored was the best thing, especially when you had a bro to be bored with.

Ian startled awake. "Anthony...?" he mumbled out. He looked around, but all he could see was darkness. He raised his eyebrows, puzzled.

Then everything hit him like a pile of bricks. "Oh, fu(bleep)." He groaned, pain reentering his body. The stinging and pounding of his injured head resurfaced, and then the unbearable pain in his abdominal region. He attempted to stand up, but found he was tied to his seat. He tried to move his hands, but they were tied behind his back. Even if he wasn't incapable of moving, he probably wouldn't get far, anyways. He groaned again.

He felt so fu(bleep)ing weak.

And he remembered his best friend was dead. Gone, completely wiped from the world.

Ian gathered all of his strength to speak out. "Hello?" He croaked into the abyss of darkness surrounding him. He went into a fit of coughs.

"Mr. Hecox," a man's voice answered. "Glad to see you're finally awake. How long did it take you to get out of your vegetative state, anyways?" The voice asked impatiently.

"...what?" Ian rasped. It hurt to speak, so he cleared his throat.

"You were in a coma for awhile," the voice chuckled slightly, "bet you're glad that you're back now, aren't you." A small beam of light focused on Ian, and he looked down at himself to see he was dressed in a gown one might wear at a hospital. His face went slightly red with embarrassment from the fact he was otherwise naked besides boxer shorts, but then he squinted through the light to see who awaited him.

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