16 - Olivia

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Olivia woke up nowhere near the hospital. Because she was right by the POW, she was probably thrown the farthest away.

She did know that she had no idea where she was.

Maybe she was dead.

For all she knew, she could be. But wasn't death supposed to be peaceful? She was still worrying about all of her friends in that hospital with her.

Maybe she wasn't dead, then.

She studied the room she was in: marbled walls, a cute bed, a single window with frilly white curtains- gross, she thought, -and a small door. She grabbed the doorknob and attempted twisting it, but she was locked in.

"Great," she huffed aloud to herself. She paced around the room for about a minute before trying to open the window. It opened to a crack, but looking down made her shiver. It was a long drop from where she was.

Well, she fell from an exploding hospital, so surely she'd survive that long of a fall. But just to be safe, she stripped her bed and tried tying all the blankets together like they do in movies.

When she had gotten a pretty good knot, the door swung open and in came a white rook. "I was ordered to escort you to the king, Miss Sui," the rook explained.

She didn't know what arguing would do, so she allowed him to grab her arm and lead her out of the room she woke up in.

Her stay with this rook would not last long. Down the hall she heard a bunch of loud whoops. The rook froze, his hand still gripping her arm. "Oh no..." then, the rook completely ditched her and ran off, shouting, "Invasion! The blacks are here!"

She couldn't help but think that his comment was a little bit racist. But before she could sneak up, she was scooped up by a black knight.

"Heyo!" he whooped, zigzagging across the fortress. "We've come to save you."

Other pieces followed, including a bishop, some pawns, rooks, and a beautiful queen. The knight eventually got captured by the white rook, so the queen scooped up Olivia. A pawn quickly captured the white rook and exclaimed, "I ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING USEFUL!" The other pawns cheered for him...

Until he got captured. By a white pawn. "Yeah, take dat!" crowed the white pawn.

He got captured by the queen, who was now racing out of the fortress with Olivia. "Rooks," she gasped, out of breath, "no matter what happens to me, you need to get Miss Sui out of here and to our home base."

"But your majesty-" one rook protested.

"I'll be back, don't worry about me," the queen winked, then fled back into the white fortress and left Olivia in the hands of the two rooks.

They immediately dashed off straight to another location.

"Um..." Olivia stammered. "Where are you taking me?"

"To our king," one rook responded. "Don't worry, Miss Sui, we want to help you and your friends... we just need your help in return." he paused. "At least, our king needs all the help he can get."

"Brr... good thing you haven't met either of the kings yet," the other rook cautioned. "Neither of them are really nice."

"So... will you help us?" the rooks pleaded.

"Huh." Olivia said. "Uhh sure?"

"Excellent!" the rooks exclaimed in unison.

"Your training will begin right away!" the second rook added.

"My... training?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, to be the new queen," the first rook told her.

"WhoawhoaWHOA, I have a boyfriend. I'm not marrying no king," Olivia said.

"Of course not," the rook laughed at this ridiculous suggestion, "you will fight as the new queen just until the original queen comes back." the rook sighed. "If... she does come back."

"Well, she better come back," Olivia told him. "I really don't want to be a queen forever.

"Fair enough," the rook responded. They continued to carry her.

"Um. You know I can walk, right?" Olivia asked them.

"Yes," the rook nodded, "you can. But you are awfully slow without knowing how to glide across boards like we do."

The second rook spoke up, "See? We're here. How long would it have taken you to get back to our fortress without us?"

Olivia stared at the fortress, which was basically just charred bricks. She wrinkled her nose. "Yeah... actually I like the other fortress better."

"Would you rather destroy all of your friends or deal with not looking nice?" the first rook asked, slightly annoyed.

"Where are my friends?" Olivia asked. "Do you know?"

The two rooks looked at each other. "We don't know much, I'm afraid... we have some friends looking for them now," the one rook said nervously.

"Wow, you guys are slow," Olivia scoffed.

"Err... well, we will start your lessons with Master Bishop soon." the first rook mumbled.

"Ooh, do I get to learn Ninjutsu or something?" Olivia asked.

The second rook facepalmed, then turned tiredly to the first. "She has a lot to learn..."

"I'll have you know 'Ninjutsu' is strategy and tactic," Olivia told them. "Isn't that basically what chess is?"

The two rooks looked at each other, bewildered. 

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