Ch. 13-The break in

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The paramedics explained that because of the vampire poison, this could just be a sign that he was getting closer to death. All I was sure about was that Haylynn was scarred out of her mind. How I didn’t realize that sooner I wasn’t sure but when I pulled her into my arms last night I’m surprised she was able to look me in the eye.

I slowly walked down the stairs and saw my angel sleeping on the couch. Why didn’t she just come to bed? I walked toward the couch and crouched in front of Haylynn. I noticed a small tear track on her face. Did she cry in her sleep? I brushed Haylynn’s hair back and Haylynn slowly opened her eyes. I smiled lightly and so did she.

“Sleep well,” I asked. “No,” Haylynn whispered and sat up. I sat next to Haylynn and pulled her into my arms. “Why didn’t you come to bed? Waking up without you next to me made me worry,” I said. “I’m sorry,” Haylynn whispered. I looked down and Haylynn looked like she was about to cry. “I was just kidding Halo. It’s not a big deal,” I said. “I’m sorry. I understand that you don’t want to be with me. In fact I can leave if that would be best,” Haylynn said.

“Where is this coming from,” I asked confused. Did dad tell her that I didn’t want her? As much as I tell her I love her, she’s ready to leave me? “I-I just don’t now who I am Drew. I’m dangerous,” Haylynn whispered. Dangerous? “Haylynn you are the gentlest person I know,” I lied. Haylynn being gentle is like a kid being denied candy. “Liar,” Haylynn said and I smiled.

“Maybe so but you are very kind Haylynn,” I said. Haylynn rested her head on my chest and I took a deep breath. She’s so perfect to me. Even her imperfections make her seem perfect. “Drew you need to know what happened…I’ll understand if you don’t want me around anymore but let me say everything from start to finish,” Haylynn said. I nodded and kissed her forehead.

Haylynn told me everything dad said about her not being normal. I clenched my fists when she told me that Dad tried to hurt her. I was in shock when she told me that Rini appeared to her and Trey saved Haylynn’s life. My heart was torn when she told me everything Drew said and I was in a very confused state when she told me when she found Dad. I could tell she was holding back with her words but I read in between the lines. “That’s everything,” Haylynn said with tears falling from her face.

“Haylynn I,” I trailed off not knowing what to say. This is a lot to process. Haylynn shot up and said, “It’s ok really. I’ll just go. I’m sure I can l-live by myself. That way you won’t get hurt Drew.” Haylynn tried to run up the stairs but I talked her.

I pinned Haylynn to the ground and Haylynn was still crying. All I could do was look at her while being speechless. “Don’t just look at me! I’m really sorry! I don’t know what’s wrong with me b-but I don’t want to hurt anyone else,” Haylynm said. “Shut up,” I whispered. “I’m a freak! I don’t deserve you! I should just go,” Haylynn said. “Shut up,” I whispered a little louder. “You don’t want me and I don’t blame you! No one’s ever wanted me so why do I love you? I-I just want to leave so no one gets hurt,” Haylynn said and I couldn’t take it.

“Just shut the hell up Haylynn,” I exclaimed and Haylynn stared at me with her beautiful brown eyes. I didn’t mean to curse but I just couldn’t take it. “Do you think I would leave you because you’re different? I’m a werewolf for ancestor’s sake Haylynn! I don’t care if you’re a witch or human or fairy! All I know is that you’re my mate and nothing will change that! I will not let you walk out on me just because you defended yourself in some freaky way! Dad deserved it and no matter what happens I’ll marry you because I love you! Is that a problem,” I demanded.

Je t'aime soul mate.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon