Hook Line & Sinker

Start from the beginning

I didn't hear her Zion. Hopefully Gabriel's coming out of it.

Is her purse here? I know it's bad luck to go in a women's purse.

Is it Zion why? My mother said you find thing's not meant for your eyes. Gabriel hasn't been taking her iron pill's.

She doesn't like taking them Zion. It's not up to her two of the babies are vampire's when they're hungry like they're gonna feed from her.

She'd better start taking them to keep her iron up and drinking more blood. How much more Doctor?

I'd say four bottles per hour. The 16 oz? Yes what if she drinks from the vein?

Until she's she full I'll be sure to tell Clarence.

I'll stay on her and you help Niarchos it's bad enough Clarence is spoiling her.

I'm starting a blood drip I'll be back.

All he could think of was earlier and her sweetness.
He never bit a woman there before. He leaned from Chance women go wild from the sensation of being bitten and cumming at the same time he wasn't lying.

Niarchos called the hospital this is Elder Niarchos, how is Elder Chance? Okay, still sedated? If he ask him to call please thank you.

Nicky? He jumped up sitting on the side of her bed holding her hand. Why the drip? You been sleep. How long this time? Three day's. I had a dream, yeah? She smiled You..it was great. What was ma?

You went down she mouthed. Gabriel it wasn't a dream.

Gabriel touched his hand. Niarchos winced in pain. What? opening his palm.

Palm bites heal slower it'll be gone in a couple hours. Sorry Nicky how'd it start? He told her everything. Gabriel kissed his inner palm.

I'm sorry Gabriel I love you and I want you, but you floated to me wanting my love. It won't happen again great one bowing his head respectfully.

Gabriel pushed his chin up never feel bad for loving me I need all the love I can get I have a confession I woke up during I knew what was happening I didn't stop you.

Clarence won't understand what we have I love both of you the same but for different reason's.

I won't give you up Gabriel. You're going to have to let go Niarchos I'm begging tears rolling.

Shhh none of that I'm never leaving understand, here tapping his heart won't let me Gabriel.

Marry again Nicky fall in love, stop answering my call's let me forget us, your Queen is begging.
Never. Gabriel hugged him when his phone rang.

Pop guess who's up asking to call you? She dialed in, Sugar! Hi daddy. How do you feel? Sleepy showing the blood drip. I'm flying in I'll be home by 10 p.m. Sugar Put Niarchos on please.

Pop I'll work on him today since Gabriel's awake. How many wives talked pop? Two Niarchos They're reluctant working to have Chance killed.

The link is the man downstairs and the one in your house Niarchos crack him. I'm on it pop see you when you arrive. Later son.

Clarence? What's up Caleb. I have to share something important
when Chance made the jump with Gabriel in the valley she fed from him thinking it was you after Niarchos drained her.

Dammit Chance's wives poisoned him with parasites Caleb.

I hear they can't survive vein to mouth Clarence.

They can't but what about the babies?

Clarence, the babies will make it mabey there's a cure in Gabriel's blood if she drank from Chance then she drank the Parasite aparently it didn't survive or in her.

Vampire Uprising I  (Book 1 In The Complete Series Of 13 Copy writen) Where stories live. Discover now