Fifty Seven

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"So what did Grammy say when she called you?" I almost hate to ask. I'm almost completely sure that it's going to sour the semi-floaty headspace Silas had so kindly put me in to in our steamy but entirely too short bedroom interlude. We had finally pulled ourselves apart after one of my moans caused by Silas teasing my the tip of my member through my underwear garnered a round of applause from the living room. Silas had taken a moment only to help me calm down, stroking the side of my face with his thumb as he cradled me, trying to reinforce rather than discourage the idea that I should never hide or hold in the noises my Daddy works so hard to make me make... It's easier for him to say than it is for me to learn, my cheeks still violently red with the clapping and cheers still echoing around in my head.

It wasn't nearly as embarrassing as having Silas exchange my hand made sweater for one of his t-shirts. The garment swallows me, but it hides the bulge tenting my sweatpants more so than the softness of my sweater with the added bonus of smelling just like him so I'm certainly not complaining.

Silas had picked me back up to smother me kn his affection just a tiny bit more before he carried me back into the living room still wrapped around him like a glove before nestling back on the couch and pulling the blanket that had been cast aside back into my lap before encouraging Liam to finish up so they can go ahead and unload the rest of my things. It leaves just Casper and I on the couch, Quinn wedged and giggling between us as he does his best to drape himself over Liam's equally squirmy mate. The tap of them seems to have a secret joke, one that makes both of them snort every time Quinn starts to search for a new place to latch on to try and fill his need to comfort... A need I'm no longer feeling as strongly. I have more of a desire to cuddle up to my own mate than really help anyone else, especially with how much better Casper seems now than when had first arrived, especially after getting some food in his system. Quinn was always like this though... Just like when we were children he still doesn't know quite a hen to ease up and let go.

His giggles drop off and his eyes avert themselves just as I feel a fond hand ruffle my hair before tipping my head back to be on the receiving end of a gentle kiss as Silas balances a box on the back of the couch, "Make sure to eat, Baby."

He waits until I lean forward and pick up one of the Tupperware containers that were meant to be our portions of the lunch Becky sent to smile and take the box to the room that no guest would want to sleep in at the moment.

"You guys are so cute..."

"Quinn, what did she say?" He would not be changing the topic of the conversation. Grammy loathed Quinn with a passion most of the time so for her to reach out to him she must be ready to rip her own hair out. Yes, she had texted me, but I hadn't even opened any of them. I can't bear to talk to her right now with her reaction to my loving mate. Comparing us to my parents? Suggesting that I reject him out flat after soaking him in liquor and throwing things at him... Disrespecting him left and right... And then coming out to the garage to tell him off instead of giving me a hug and a kiss goodbye like a proper send-off should entail? The nerve that that woman has to have to then proceed to blow my phone up and expect a reply.

"She's just worried about you, Addy. Can you blame her?"


It's so hard to stay away from Adrian, his shy countenance my new center of gravity and the source of the smile plastered to my face as Liam and I grab the last few boxes from his car.

He doesn't say anything to ruin the moment I'm having for once and I'm grateful.  He knows most of my attention is still on my sweet boy as he relaxes on the couch with Quinn and Casper snuggled up next to him, Casper picking at his nails giving Quinn the occasional pinch when the Omega tries to climb into his lap and get comfy while he carries on a conversation with my bean that I'm only catching parts of.   Either my warning had been taken more seriously than I thought or he's just been smothered so much by the little wolf that he just can't take it anymore... I don't know and I don't care as long as he doesn't suddenly decide he'd rather be smothered by my beautiful baby instead. 

When they notice me looking I get smiles from all three of them with only Casper bothering to look me in the eyes, a familiar smirk on his face before he mimics my eye roll and we both refocus on the two cuddly-looking omegas as they chatter on about Agatha's behavior of late. My sweet pup does make the effort between questions to try and eat, picking at his lunch and sliding bite after bite past his kiss swollen lips with his cheeks rosey as he tries not to pay attention to my attention.

If we hadn't gotten so startled by the round of applause my angel had received after the throatiest of unintentional moans I don't know if either one of us would have actually thought to stop, their presence so easily was forgotten when drunk on the taste of each other's mouths... Of the feel of how our bodies fit together so perfectly, his back suddenly seeming not so sore and neediness not so restrained... The neediness that bubbles up and starts to call out to me as the last two boxes get grabbed and Liam and I head back inside.

"Quinn! I do not need another lecture!"

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