Twin Oaks the return

Start from the beginning

Chance is gonna be livid when he finds out I'm dating you. We've been done for year's. Chance he can be possessive.

Your not Elder? I can be it's worse cause we're vampire's.

We own women they're like our property we'd never say that shit aloud but that's how it is, once claimed you belong to that vampire.

If you claim me? If no vampire challenges me Mara you're mine.

What if you're challenged? He has to prove you're his on paper. She stared at him. What? I signed some stuff.

Did Chance explain what you signed in front of a witness? No Niarchos. Did he give copies? I have something handing Niarchos a document.

It's a coven agreement vampire's get this once they're turned so they're clear who they answer to and who's collecting tax on behalf of the Pharaoh.

Where's the rest Mara? Chance didn't give it to me. If you signed Chance had ten day's to file, if he missed the file date his hold is void.

Nice bracelet Niarchos. Thank's Queen Gabriel gave it to me. Are you her guard? Elders can't be royal guard's and run coven's too, Mara Elder is old I need nap. Haha yes Elder kissing his forehead.

Stretch the blanket on the floor, Niarchos no! You can't sleep on the floor. Mara stretch it and lay next to me please. Ching, his phone rang. He text

Hi Gabriel. Wyd?
Laying on the floor with Mara bed too small.
Is your bed big?
H-U-G-E and a custom made hot tub. Well I'll find out soon Nicky. What do you mean?

Niarchos' phone rang my dad is there? Give him his old bedroom and he gets anything he asks for Viola.

Please bring Queen Gabriel a hot cup of tea with fresh honey three times per day, you Viola not the other's. Yes Elder.

I love it here Nicky. Wait till I show you the bees. Can't wait we'll go for a stroll you can show me the property.

Stroll on one hundred acres my Queen?
Get the horse and buggy do you still have one?
Yes ma'am. See you soon Nicky.

Can we nap Mara? She lay her head on his chest falling into a deep sleep.

He awoke his plane leaving in an hour. Kissing her forehead he freshened up quietly leaving her room.

Dear Mara;

You were sleep I didn't want to wake you. My plane leaves in a hour, I hate good byes. Call me when you wake.
Go to the gift shop hope you like it.


Mara walked to the gift shop, her bestie ran up to her girl! You're the buzz in the coven shop lifting a Elder. All the vampress' are jealous he's fine!

They got to the gift shop, hi I'm Mara. Elder Niarchos asked you have this. Thanks.

Girl it's Tiffany a diamond bangle. It's gorgeous Mara the Elders feeling you.

If Niarchos could pace on the plane he would've, he was anxious to get to Gabriel.

As soon as the plane cleared the runway he ran to the hanger, strapped his helmet speeding off eating the road in fourty minutes.

Gabriel heard his bike grinding the gravel grinning.
Your other husband's home Clarence teased.

Niarchos knocked on the bedroom door. Gabriel ran opening it. He picked her up swinging her.

Y'all act like it's been year's. He's miserable. Pop what's wrong? Niarchos hugged his father.

Gabriel please get me an ice water. Okay Daddy I'll be back.

Vampire Uprising I  (Book 1 In The Complete Series Of 13 Copy writen) Where stories live. Discover now