25 - The New Student.

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Resha Valentine.

I sit in my class, mostly thinking about what Kaname has said. He said it was nothing but a bad dream. I don't believe him. What kind of bad dream that's so bad it makes Kaname super clingy?

"There's a late arrival, a transferred student. How mysterious, something isn't right..." Ichijou looking out of the window, eating a pocky while he's mumbling his thoughts outloud.

Transferred new student? Kaname didn't tell me anything about it...

"Are you talking about the book you're reading?"

"No, a transfer student is really coming here." Shiki stare in boredom, and take a huge bite of pockies.

"My Pokkin Choco! I want to give it to Lady Resha and President Kuran!" Aidou's shouting, his eyes wide, mad at Shiki and Rima.

Entertained, I chuckled. "Where is the pocky you promised to share, Aido?"

"They ate it greedily, Resha-sama..." Aido point both of Shiki and Rima. "I will buy you one truck filled with Pocky if you—"

Then, a giggles that feels like it is out of the room making me realize and turn my head. It's not the usual giggles so it stood out in this class.

"Hehe, this looks like a fun group." She giggle again. "What? Class hasn't started yet?"

Everyone are looking at her, have no idea at all who she is. She has a lavender hair, also eyes, and petite body... Her appearance and face reminds me of someone I used to see somewhere. There's a faint sakura scent and familiarity in the way she talks.

"Who the hell are you?" Aido's eyes wide in shock, trying to know the unrecognizable Vampire in front of him.

"Who...?" She jumps from desk to desk fastly to Aidou. "Hey, boy, you think you can talk that way to me?" As she holds Aido's shocked face in a sudden movement. There's something in her eyes that tells me something is wrong.

"You should introduce yourself first, Maria Kurenai." Kaname said without looking at her, disinterested.

This aura, this blood... Another pureblood can always recognize each other, so I'm not wrong at all, but... "Are you a new student? We don't do that around here." I smiled, making her looking at both of us.

"Oh!" She leaped over the desks towards us. "I'm sorry I upset you, Lord Kaname!" Maria takes his hand excitedly and innocently just like any school girl. "Oh, I'm so happy to meet a Pureblood!" And she's looking at me. "Lady Resha! I'm really grateful to meet you both in person!"

Everyone looks shocked, Aido looks aghast, Ruka glaring at her, Takuma opens his mouth, and Kain just watch. Every Night Class filled with anger towards her, to dare touch Kaname's hand and mine by her own will. I'm still stunned as to the closer she gets to me, the more I hear her voice and see her appearance. It's her.

"What?!" Ruka said, annoyed badly.

"How do you do?" Kaname said calmly. Still disinterested. But then again the world would collapse and he would still look poker faced.

I nodded. "Nice to meet you too, Kurenai-san." I can't believe I said that with an awkward face.

Unlike me, Kaname will always know what is the right thing to say in the right place, even to sarcasm or anything. He was already taught by the senate from the early age, and I stayed at his home in protection because I was clearly unstable at that time. Being with the sharks from the early age taught you anything you need to know.


Maria stared back at Ruka and giggles, stands up on the desk again. "I'm sorry, I've ruined the atmosphere here! I think it's best if I leave right now." She disappear out of the door and the Night Class turns their heads again.

"Who the hell is she?" Aido turned his head. "She was so rude, she dared to..."

Ruka smirk. "I thought you were scared of her."

That blood scent... I caught myself looking at Kaname just like I always do whenever I sense there's something wrong but he's already looking at me, and his smiles reassuring me. "Don't worry, Resha. You're safe," he promised, whispering. "You will always be."

I feel everyone's staring. Kaname promised me a lot of things, and so, I believe he will make it.


I'm about to walk to the reading room by myself when I hear Ichijou's question inside the room. "Kaname, what'd be done with that transfer student?"

"Well, you can take care of her, Ichijo."

"Me?!" Of course. Ichijou looks very surprised, even I do.

"That'd be a problem if me or Resha do anything in the open. And this Academy has all the pieces she has."

"Pieces that's a good way of putting it, is it a coincidence?" He curiously asked.

"No, I arrange things this way... And, Resha, how long you're going to stand there and listen to us?"

I walked inside, "I'll help Ichijo taking care of that student. I know who she is."

Kaname taking his eyes off from his book. "Unapproved."

"Eh, Resha, don't worry, I'm fine!" He's trying to reassuring me but even he can't trust himself with the task.

"But I..."

Kaname pats the spot next to him, telling me to sit down there. "Don't bother yourself, she is just a simple matter, that is why I'm letting Ichijou handling it. Because he can do it."

Sighing in frustration, I rolled my eyes. "I'm not allowed to handle easy troubles and I'm not allowed to handle the hard ones either. Seriously, Kaname, what am I doing?"

He laughs lightly. "Well, you will be needed to handle something when it the time comes, and I will tell you."

Ichijou laughed too. "Resha is so spoiled by Kaname!"

"Promise me that I will take roles in this one, okay?" I'm smiling so sweetly trying to charm him.

"Smile like that for a week and I might change my mind." Kaname grins.

After Ichijou walked out of the room, I'm looking at Kaname who's reading, and stand up. Looking directly out of the window. Touching it. I miss the sunlight so much it hurts. The moon isn't here right now, so...

"Maria Kurenai is her, she's probably just come here for Zero," I looked back at Kaname who's looking at me. "I found out, you know? There's know way I wouldn't know, the familiarity from their aura and appearance."

"No, she has another purpose. She wanted you and me. But that won't happen."

I groaned lightly. "How can you be so sure?"

Apparently, Kaname is already standing up and his hands circling my waist, then with a swift movement, unbutton my uniform and put light kisses on my neck. I thought he will tease me again to distract me but then his fangs are inside me all of a sudden.

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