19 - The Lord is rejected.

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Resha Valentine

I opened my eyes and blinks a few times, I'm no longer dizzy because... Oh, because I drank Aido's blood. His blood have the perfect power measurement, unlike Kaname's.

After he passed out, I cried panickly ran outside to call help, but Akatsuki who's apparently had been outside because he's guarding me, knock the door nonchalantly and came inside. He waited for his cousin to come out, and told me not to blame myself because it's only nature. This will happen sooner or later–he said. I lived my life secluded from other vampires, even in my younger days I was always protected. I never quiet realized how hideous it has been to drink blood when I never did. I loathed it so much, perhaps because the death of my parents, but...

"Good morning," Kaname's voice was the first voice I heard. He was asleep beside, hugging me all night to keep me warm. He's home.

"Good morning." I turn around, and peck his jaw.

I was about to stand up and take a shower when he pulled me back. "Just a minute, I promise." He hugged me even tighter.

"You're heavy," I whispered, and he's grinning. "I haven't shower for days. It's weird!"

"Hmm, what a scandal... The Lady of Vampires haven't shower for days... I'll tell the journalist of Vampire News to publish it right away."

"Why didn't you stay there longer? At least to make me happy," I said, teasing him.

"I'm worried about you. I'm scared you might do something foolish again." Kaname paused. "Wait, fool is your middle name."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're a jerk, you know that?"

Now he laughs gently. What a satisfying sound, it's like a singing in my ear. "I know that, but you stay my side... It's so strange."

Can't help it, I smiled widely. "Well, the only reason why I'm here is to anger you every single day."

Suddenly, he roll on top of me with a smile. "...and to make my lips, at least, not so lonely." With that, Kaname kiss my lips. I can feel my face is getting pinkish. It's not the first time he kissed me, why do I feel so shy? I can feel he's grinning.

"You're grinning," I whispered through my teeth. "You're ruining the mood."

And I pushed him, running to the bathroom with giggles. "You're not playing fair!" He shouted as I close the door and lock it.


Now I'm in my room, preparing myself with the uniform, feel extremely healthy because I drank Aidou's blood. It's time to face him. I don't know if I'm ready or not. I opens the door and walk out slowly. My hair is glowing like before, and my skin is beautiful again. From upstairs, I can see everyone's waiting for me.

Kaname lift his face as he feels my aura. Everyone noticing it and kneel down.

"Finally...," he said, offering his hand.

I walked down and took his hand. As I smiled to everyone. "I'm sorry for the wait, everyone."

"It's okay, Resha-sama, take your time."

I smiled at Ruka and nod my head.

"Well then." Kaname moved me to his side.

The Night Class makes the formation for the King and the Queen. Aidou, Ruka and Akatsuki is on my front, Rima and Shiki is on my right, Ichijou is on my left, also as Kaname's right hand, the rest is in the back.

Aido seems really normal, being himself, while I'm thinking about the last night. His blood is sweet, one of my favorite even though I already tasted Kaname's. I know Aido's will be one of my favorites.

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