Fifty Eight

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Distinct chatter echoed through the pub room, tables of armed men and women littered by drinks and cards--poker games played during a calm moment while they waited for their boss's signal to start up their wipe-out scheme once more.

Black boots thudded quietly among the noise as Ashton entered the pub, phone to his ear as his gaze casually lingered across the room; searching for one out of fifty people.

"Finally in a taxi now." Luke's voice came through Ashton's phone, the boy miles away in the city; en route to see Ashton's parents. "Definitely more quiet than the plane." He commented, shuffling his backpack in his lap, suitcase in the boot of the car.

"Not gonna lie, I'm kinda nervous." Luke admitted.

"There's no reason to be, princess." Ashton chuckled softly, leaning back against the wall as his gaze focused on one particular woman sitting a few tables away; laughing as she won another round of poker. "They love you, and Harry's been dying to meet you."

"I know but like... on my own? What if they don't like me?" Luke fretted.

"They're gonna love you, I promise. They're probably more excited they're finally gonna meet you." Ashton replied. 

"I sure hope so." Luke chuckled softly.

"Just be yourself, okay? I love you, and don't forget to text me when you get there safe."

"I love you too and I will. Call me if anything happens?"

Ashton smiled to himself. "I'll call you if anything good happens, that fair?"

Luke pouted. "I guess."

With a chuckle, Ashton bid his princess a gentle goodbye; disconnecting their call and tucking his phone into the front pocket of his black jeans. Calm hands lifted the edge of his green sleeveless shirt, pulling out a small handgun from his waistband as he moved inconspicuously through the congregation of his patient gang.

He didn't bother to interrupt the game with an opening sentence of conversation as he approached the table where a woman with dyed green hair sat with her winning poker streak. Discussing her betrayal was off the table, this wasn't a gang with scrounging gangsters seeking to rise up the ranks, if anything; this was a group of mercenaries.

A cock of his gun caught the sharp attention of his nearby members, and before anyone could say anything he pulled the trigger against the back of the woman's head. Silence exploded throughout the once bustling room, blank faces staring at the blatant execution before them.

The woman slumped forward, her head slamming against the table's surface; blood spritzed across dark oak, staining playing cards and notes of money in crumpled piles. The man seated directly across from her stared in shock, blood droplets clinging to his tanned skin as his gaze fell upon Ashton.

Ashton flicked his gun's safety back on before tucking it back into his waistband as he took his casual leave from the pub, abandoning any idea of explaining why the woman had been killed.
Snitching to paying ears like a coward would get you shot, he didn't have time for it. End of story.

Sliding into the driver's seat of his car, he left the dead body to be dealt with by the rest of the crew; a light warning for anyone who thought they'd found a cheap way out. He was a fair man, if only they'd ask to be excused from gang business instead of running around like headless chooks searching for a way out.

Returning to Liam and Zayn's home, he parked out the front and unlocked the front door; stepping inside and locking it behind him before he entered further. The married couple were sitting on the couch together, Zayn's head rested on Liam's shoulder as he slept through sheer exhaustion; his husband smoking a cigarette silently beside him.

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