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Shout out to those twats on Twitter who think it's cool to attack our pure angel Ashton Irwin~

Keep kissing your own ass, honey. The real fans will find you. And when they do, you're done for 💅


Luke waited on the front porch of Michael's apparent house; having followed Calum's instructions to Michael's address.

He wasn't entirely surprised to see that Michael lived in a trashy part of town where apartment complexes were worn down and broken, houses were boarded up and people roamed the streets at all times of day and night; everything felt dangerous and Luke praised the fact that he knew Calum, because Calum kept him off streets like these.

Michael had been the one to let Luke inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Cal's in the shower." Michael said as Luke sat down on the lounge room couch. "Shouldn't be too long."

He disappeared for a moment, coming back with a bottle of Pepsi and a packaged store-made cake. He set them down on the coffee table in front of Luke and sat down next to him.

"He said it was your birthday or some shit." Michael pushed the cake closer to Luke. "And his cute ass convinced me to find you something. It's basically all I could afford."
He seemed genuinely guilty, scratching the back of his head as Luke took the package into his hands.

"I uh, I'm sorry. If I'd known it was your birthday I wouldn't've taken your mate from you." Michael apologised.

Luke sighed. "It's fine... Gave me a chance to wander about anyway."

If he wanted answers about Ashton, surely the man's best friend would know?

"Did you know about Ashton?" Luke asked then asked, glancing at Michael.

"Uh, what about him?" Michael gave a frown of confusion.

"Did you know he fights? Like underground fights?"

"You uh... you mean those ring fights?" Michael hesitantly continued the conversation.
"Did you see him?"

"Yeah. Saw him and another girl."

"Angela." Michael stated. "She's a right bitch."

"Is she his uh..." Luke trailed off, too awkward to blatantly ask the question he really wanted to.

"Girlfriend?" Michael unhelpfully shrugged. "I'm not sure. He never tells me about her. Or anything to be frank with ya'." He sighed. "He's my best friend but I know shit about him."

Luke kept silent for a moment, staring at the vanilla cake in his hands. He'd always preferred strawberry, but it was a nice gesture nonetheless.

"You alright?" Michael eventually questioned, concerned.


"You're uh—you're not allergic to cake or somethin', are ya?"

"No." Luke put the cake back down on the table. He didn't really have much of an appetite at that moment.

"Can I ask why you're not, you know, with your family right now?" Michael cautiously said.

"Huh?" Luke gave him a weird look.

"Well I dunno, it's just—you know, if you get the chance, most kids spend their B-day with their family." Michael hesitantly continued. "I think?"

"I'd be surprised if my parents remembered to begin with."

"Oh...Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." Luke cut him off, briefly looking around the slightly barren yet cosy home. It had a messy style to it but yet it wasn't unliveable. "This your place?"

"Technically it's my dad's." Michael casually explained, leaning back in his seat. "But he's in jail for drug charges, so I get his place."

"Your mum?"

"Eh, no idea who she is." Michael shrugged, careless.

Luke really started to wonder when it exactly it were that his life became flooded with bad kids, shit families and crappy lifestyles. Calum was as normal as he got, and that brunet was a walking whore with an alcoholic mum and a try hard father who's definitely getting a divorce.

"Sorry." Luke automatically replied.

"Pfft, don't be. I can do whatever the fuck I want. Bills are cheap 'cause I barely spend time here. Usually I'm out with Ash."

"Does he live with you?"

"Eh, kinda. He spends some nights here I s'pose. But like I said, he's a bit of a mystery that guy." Michael nudged Luke in the arm, smirking. "I can invite him over if ya' want? He can help celebrate your birthday."

"I doubt it." Luke snorted.

"We'll just see about that." Michael declared, grabbing his phone out and texting Ashton as Calum came into the lounge.

Luke barely had time to mock the black shirt with a picture of a devil killing an angel on the front that Calum was wearing over very pink underwear before he was being engulfed in a hug by said brunet.

"I am so sorry!" Calum pulled back, hands on Luke's shoulders and pure guilt in his eyes. "I can't believe I forgot. It's unforgivable but I swear I'll make it up to you!"

Luke shook his head with a quiet laugh, amused. He could tell Calum really did feel bad, so he didn't exactly want the boy to know he himself felt like absolute shit.

"Tomorrow I will take you out to wherever the fuck you wanna go!"

"Japan?" Like teased

"Within reason." Calum playfully huffed.

"Eh, guess I can't be too mad. I'd probably leave you too if I was gonna get a good fuck out of it." Luke laughed as Calum's cheeks turned pink.

"Shut up!" Calum shoved the blond slightly, before squeezing in between him and Michael and opening the cake package. "We're gonna cut this cake."

"Hold on, almost done." Michael tutted, still on his phone.

Calum huffed and Luke got up. "I'll go hunt for a knife. If you're sucking his dick when I get back, I'm leaving."

Calum scowled. "I'm not that bad!"

Luke laughed. "You actually are though."

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