Fifty One

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Luke's definitely the happiest man alive right now; cuddled into Ashton's side, eyes closed and body relaxed with his boyfriend's arm wrapped protectively around him.

They're sitting on Ziam's couch, whilst the married couple themselves are at the kitchen table discussing finances.
Ashton had offered to help, but they'd politely declined until they desperately needed it. Ashton was still their adopted boy, they didn't want to take his hard earned money; especially when it wasn't for them or their house.

They were going to try and pay for Calum to go to rehab, which Luke found both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.
Heartwarming because even though Calum had exploded at them only a week ago, had taken their money and used Michael like a toy, they were still willing to try and help get him back on track.
It was heartbreaking because it didn't seem like Calum cared to change.

"Look, I can sell my bike." Zayn suggested. "It's a classic Harley, the boys downtown will beg me for it."

"That bike cost thousands." Liam tapped his pen against the notepad he had in front of him.

"Exactly. We need the cash, babe."

"I'm not letting you sell it." Liam huffed. "We had that on our wedding day, I'm sentimental."

"I know but if we sell it we'll be halfway to the money we need." Zayn reached out and placed his hand over Liam's on the table. "We still got our wedding photos. Ain't no one gonna take those."

Luke snuggled himself closer to Ashton, trying to block out the painful sounds of the Ziam couple's efforts. It hurt that they were willing to suffer so much, and it hurt that he'd truly lost his best friend.

Ashton was on the phone, but his conversation was going a lot better than the Ziam couple.

"I know, dad." Ashton bit back an amused smile. "Well yeah obviously, I'm not sending him on his own."

                            I'll book the two-forty flight, we'll get there a bit late but at least Luke can try and sleep a little bit beforehand."

                              Mm, I know. Sleeping pills are out the question though-" Ashton gently kissed Luke's forehead once he'd spoken, bringing the blond in closer as though silently apologising if his words were too cruel. "Yeah I got that. Mmhm, I'll be fine. It's just small things I don't want Luke to be involved in, you know?"

"Yeah sure, say hi to the crazy dad for me." Ashton chuckled. "Love you, bye."

"How are they?" Luke asked once Ashton had pocketed his phone.

"They're good. Louis tried to cook last night and completely blew up the microwave." Ashton laughed. "He's an idiot."

"Mm, sounds it." Luke closed his eyes, content with curling up to Ashton.
"Have you heard from Michael yet?"

Ashton sighed, deflated. "No. I went around yesterday, his apartment was a mess so I cleaned it and managed to get him out of bed for something to eat. Thankfully I didn't find any drugs though."

He combed his fingers through Luke's hair. "Heard from Calum?"

"Still pretending I don't exist." Luke mumbled. "I miss him..."

"I know. Hopefully once we get him to rehab he'll start getting better."

"I really miss him." Luke wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, holding tight.

"We'll get him back." Ashton insisted. "I promise."

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