Forty Five

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Ashton sighed, waiting patiently for the person on the other end of his phone call to pick up the connection. He stood on the back porch of Zayn and Liam's home, leaving Michael and Calum to do whatever the damn hell they were doing in Michael's room, whilst Liam and Zayn discussed bits and pieces together in the kitchen.

He'd woken up early in the morning, already dressed, fed and showered by the time anyone else got up and started co-existing.

"Joe's whorehouse, you got the dough we got the hoe."

Ashton rolled his eyes. "Stop answering the phone like that, Shaw."

"Yo!" The guy on the other end let out a bark of a laugh. "Ash'in, my dude! What up?!"

"A lot of things. What's up with you lately?"

"Ayy not much! Just hitting the high, you know how it be!" Shaw blabbered. "So whatchu callin' fo'?"

"I got a problem, mate." Ashton explained. "I need you to call in your guys, I've got a head to hit and there's multiple tangos in the way."

"Oh shit. A real showdown huh? Bout time you been steppin' up." He gave a laugh showing he wasn't being serious. "Yo' daddies gon' be proud!"

"Probably." Ashton chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

"A'ight I'll give 'em a call! You text the deets and I'll send 'em down."

"Thanks mate, means a lot."

"Ayy, it ain't got nothing to do with your playboy?" Shaw teased.

"He's worth it." Ashton nonchalantly replied. "How fast do you think you can get the guys here?"

"Tomoz mate." Shaw answered. "Got anythin' else, Ash?"

"Nah thanks. That's it. But I need them tomorrow night."

"On my word you'll get it." Shaw promised and surprisingly his promises were solid.

"Thanks, Shaw. Say hi to Rudolf for me." Ashton smiled slightly, picturing the blue heeler dog Shaw owned. It was a happy little dog, very obedient too.

"Ya' hear that Rudolf?!" Shaw shouted and a bark ensued. "Ash says hi!"

The dog barked again and Ashton laughed.

"He loves ya' mate." Shaw commented before saying "it's his feedin' time though, I'll catch'cha later!"

Ashton bid his goodbyes and they both hung up. Tucking his phone into his pocket, he let out a sigh; things were starting to roll into place all he had left to do was gather a bit of information and catch up with a particular friend of Harry's Louis had mentioned once or twice.

Apparently they'd be more than willing to help the Tomlinson family, considering Louis had cleared their family debts and Harry had saved their daughter from drowning in a sinking car.

His dads were insane, he swore their lives were straight out of a movie.

A pair of footsteps indicated another presence before said person opened the back door and joined Ashton out on the porch.

"Hey kid, how's everything going?" Zayn's voice piped up, the fully casual dressed man coming to stand beside Ashton's figure.

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