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Luke winced, sitting up slightly with a huff as the feeling of sand grains scratched down his skin and stuck to his boxers.

He glanced beside him, furrowing his eyebrows for a moment before realising the man sitting cross-legged beside him was Ashton.

"Shit..." He sat up straight, rubbing his aching eyes as his head throbbed.

Even though the sun was setting, its colours were still too bright for his clearly hungover self. But he wouldn't deny the ocean colours weren't some kind of beautiful painting laid out before him, and the sand was the perfect warmth against the soft breeze.

"You're awake." Ashton casually said, letting sand pool through his fingers.

"I don't even remember falling asleep." Luke grumbled. "How long was I out?"

Ashton shrugged and Luke snorted. "You're helpful." He gazed out at the sunset just to their left and hummed. "As pretty as it is, it hurts my eyes."

"Sounds like you." Ashton mumbled.

Luke cracked a grin. "Aw, you think I'm pretty."

"Shut up."

Luke chuckled quietly before trailing off. "Has Michael killed your phone yet?"

Ashton shook his head, and the sigh that left his lips had Luke concerned something was wrong.

"You alright?"

"It's nothing."

Silence followed and Luke felt his heart sink, worried. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Ashton insisted.

"Well its just, you were fine before and now you're... not?"

"Leave it alone."

"You know you can talk to me if-"

"I said it's fine!" Ashton shouted, getting up off the sand.

"I-Shit I'm sorry?" Luke flinched, cautiously standing up too.

"Just fuck off." Ashton started walking back down the beach and Luke was astounded at how far they had walked whilst drunk.

"Ash, c'mon-" Luke tried, stepping back when Ashton suddenly turned back around and snarled at him.

"I said fuck off! What goddamn part of that do you not understand?! Why does your dumb ass have to fucking know everything?!"

"I-I was just asking-"

"Well don't! You don't fucking care!"

"I do so!" Luke argued, hurt.

"All you want is a good fuck, don't even try and act like you don't. Someone like you? That's all you pricks ever want!"

"Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" Ashton stormed off and Luke stumbled after him; determined to reach the end of their argument.

"Hey! Get back here!" Luke demanded, being ignored.
"Seriously Ashton, what's your problem?!" Luke huffed. "Don't you ignore me!"

"Stay the fuck away from me!" Ashton screamed at him, causing him to come to a full stop. "I'm sick and tired of you constantly harassing me! Just fuck off and leave me alone! You're wasting my time!"

"I'm what..?" Luke was stunned, practically speechless as he stood frozen on the spot. Usually he would be one to jump the gun and start a real fist fight but hearing Ashton scream at him like he were the reason behind all the bad in the world had the worst effect on him. It hurt like a bullet to the chest and a punch to the face coupled with a royal kick to the Crown Jewels.



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The sky was dark now, frozen blues and purples merging into a thick black that caressed the twinkling stars. Luke's pretty sure the moon was somewhere out there but he couldn't see it in his limited vision as he lay on his back on the sand.

He's been freezing cold for hours now, but for some reason he can't find it in himself to give a damn. Staring at the sky as it falls asleep was probably not the best way to deal with his current situation but he's fairly certain his heart broke and this is the best he can do to mend it.
He's not usually one for alcohol, if he can avoid drinking his problems then he will.

"Found you." Calum's voice drifted towards him and he felt the sand move slightly near his side before he looked at his best friend standing over him. "You alright there?"

"Go away." Luke mumbled.

Calum sighed and squatted down, nudging Luke's arm. "Come on, let's get you inside. It's freezing cold out here."

"Let me freeze." Luke grumbled.

Calum let out a sympathetic sigh. "I heard what happened... Ash came home and he and Mike got into a heated fight. So I took dad's car to come get my penguin."

"I'm not a penguin."

"That's debatable." Calum tried to lighten the mood. "C'mon. Let's go watch some stupid movie and complain about boys."

"Go away."

"Please?" Calum gave a small smile. "I'll buy you KFC chips?"

There was silence for a moment.

"A whole box?"

"A whole box." Calum agreed. "Maybe two if you get up now."

"Ugh." Luke grabbed Calum's hand and the brunet grinned as he helped his best friend to his feet.

"Yeah! Look at you go!"

"Shuddup. I just want chips."

Calum threw his arm over Luke's shoulders, happy he'd been able to get the blond out of the sand. "We'll get like five boxes and just destroy them, deal?"

"Are you paying? I left my wallet in Michael's car."

"Ughhhh fiiiiine." Calum playfully whined. "I guess I can pay for them."

"And a Pepsi."

Calum fondly rolled his eyes. "And a Pepsi."


Well whoopsie, what the heckin heck did we think of that? 😱


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