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Ashton's never been sure how Michael manages to drag him to these god-awful parties.
He hated them. He hated the loud music, the stench of hormones, drugs and sweat, the cheap booze and desperate thots that grabbed anyone looking their way.

He always ended up in the same situation, sitting in one of the other rooms with a small group of people. They'd all be passing around joints and sometimes a bong, Michael would be sitting and laughing dazedly with them—the only times Ashton's ever seen him truly happy—and Ashton would be sitting off to the side with a cigarette in his hand and a refusal to join them.

He didn't overly care if people chose to do drugs, he could handle people lighting up joints and loving the weightless feeling of marijuana, and sometimes he could handle Michael's addiction of sorts. But he never wanted to do anything himself. He wasn't interested, he'd rather just die young as Luke put it.

"Yo Ash-" the slurred voice of Davey Manik spoke up from where he was sitting squished on a three seater couch fitted with four people "-why're... why're you hanging with the freaky kid?"

Ashton let out a breath of his smoke before drowning in confusion. "What?"

Michael let out a laugh, and the frighteningly skinny boy beside him began to laugh too; both sharing a bong between each other. The fourth kid was a girl, she'd shot up just as Ashton arrived to the party and hadn't moved from that spot since. He's fairly certain the girl's actually dead.

"That blond kid, ya' know~ He sells drugs."

"No he doesn't." Ashton was pretty sure Luke actually did, but it wasn't anyone's business.

"He does." Davey pushed. "He's'like'a slut."

"Excuse me?" Ashton could feel himself start to get angry.

"Selling on the streets." Davey laughed and shook his head. "Dollar an hour!"

"Shut the fuck up." Ashton abruptly stood up. "He doesn't sell himself, you sicko."

"Jesus... What're you mad for?"

"Don't trash talk Luke like that."

"'Cause Ashton loves him~!" Michael unhelpfully piped up with a chuckle.

"Fuck off, I do not." Ashton flicked his cigarette to the floor, deciding it would be best to leave before he bashed anyone's skull in.

"Do too~! You wanna have his babieees~"

"You know what, call a fuckin' taxi." Ashton scorned before heading for the door. "And that girl's dead by the way."

All three boys looked at the unmoving chick, and Ashton chuckled when he heard them scream after he'd shut the door.

"Fucking morons." He muttered, heading downstairs and shoving his way through the crowd of horny teenagers and the odd perverted adult.

"Ashton? No way!"

"Aw fuck." Ashton grunted, turning around to face the older male who'd called him out.

"Long time no see, how you been?!" The dark skinned male smiled bright, eyes glossed with a tipsy haze. "It's been years! Didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah well, I'm here so..." Ashton trailed off, utterly uncomfortable with the conversation.

"We should totally get a drink together sometime."

"Uh yeah, no thanks. I don't drink."

"Coffee then?" The man ran a hand through his black hair, still staring at Ashton with a sickening glint in his eyes. "There's this great coffee place downtown. Open like twenty-four hours."

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