Fifty Seven

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I'm really sorry that this update is utter trash, I've been lost



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The front door of Ziam's home opened in a hurry, four people rushing inside with one carried to the couch Luke and Calum had both stood up from.

Their conversation had broken apart, interrupted by the rush of panic that flood the halfway house.

Ashton gently grabbed hold of Luke's arm, tugging him further away from Calum with a harsh whisper. "I thought I said he needed to stay in his room?"

"He was lonely." Luke's eyes glistened solemnly. "He just wanted a friend."

Ashton sighed, easily defeated by Luke. The blond seemed to have an endearingly calming effect on him and he couldn't help but give in whenever Luke spoke with such a soft tone.

"Michael?" Calum's terrified voice broke Luke and Ashton's conversation apart.

"Fuck, no Cal. You can't be here-" Ashton moved to try and push Calum back.

"No! I need to see him." Calum knocked Ashton's arm away.

"Zayn-" Ashton beckoned Zayn to help, but their efforts faltered when Michael sat up abruptly at the sound of Calum's voice.

"Cal?" His voice broke, a wavering sound of misery cracking the tension in the room.

Glass spilled into a pool of water, pitch black liquid slowly glistening with light as it bounced off the falling shards.

"Oh my god, M-Mike, I'm so sorry-" Calum fumbled, shoving people out of his way and squatting down in front of the broken man.

Liam shoved his arm out in front of Zayn when his husband made a move forward to break the two apart. He sent a glare towards the man who huffed and backed down; trusting whatever judgement Liam was giving. And, in turn, Ashton trusted it too.

Shaking hands cupped Michael's cheeks, brown eyes struggling not to look anywhere but the sullen green gaze that stared in shock back at him.

"I—I didn't hate you." Calum sobbed. "I missed you so much-"

Michael's stature collapsed, and he burst into tears; strong arms wrapping around Calum's fragile body and bringing him crashing into his chest.
His face tucked into Calum's neck, tears soaking the brunet's soft skin as he snuggled close to the queen he thought he'd lost forever.

The familiar warmth felt like daggers to his heart, slicing it open and letting the blood pour like venom from the broken muscle. He never wanted to let go, terrified of losing his queen all over again. He couldn't survive without Calum, and he knew it. Calum was his everything, his world, his love.

"I'm so sorry, Mike." Calum pulled away slightly, his own eyes filling with tears.

"No, you're not." Michael was heartbroken. "You used me. Over and over again..."


"And I just stood there and let it happen..."

"I didn't use you-" Calum desperately tried to plead.

"You did!" Michael grabbed Calum's arms, holding him as though somehow beyond his harsh words he still needed his queen. "For sex. For drugs. Money. Alcohol. You just fucking used me and it hurts. It doesn't stop hurting."

"Look, I'm sorry. Okay?" Calum gently pulled his arms free, grasping hold of Michael's hands instead.

"I loved you..."

"I love you too-"

"No. I loved you." Michael whispered, aching. "I love the old you... the one who didn't leave me."

"I—" Calum choked up. "I'm so sorry, Mikey. I didn't mean it—any of it. It was just--just a big fucking mess and I'm sorry-"

"Why did you go? Weren't you happy with me?" Michael sounded utterly broken. "Was it my fault?"

Calum's heart broke, did Michael blame himself for everything?

"No, none of this was your fault." Calum wrapped his arms back around Michael's neck, hugging close. "You were the only good thing I had."


I sincerely hope the next update will be much better than this. I should do better than this. I don't know why this shit took so long, I'm sorry💙

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