Twenty Three

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Luke awoke to the sound of snoring not too far from where he lay uncomfortably on the couch; having somehow managed to sprawl himself across the entire width of it as he slept.

A glance at the open curtains of the lounge showed it was at least past midnight, and without the lights on in the home the only illumination he had to see anything with was from the street light outside.

He felt exhausted, tired eyes following the sound to where a body lay on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. With a little focus he could figure out the person was Michael.

Gently he nudged Michael's shoulder with his hand, trying to wake the older boy up because Hell he felt lonely and right now he'd take anyone's company.

"What?" Michael groaned, rubbing his eyes and looking up at whoever disturbed him.
When he realised it was Luke his tone changed. "Hey, you're awake."

"Where's Calum?" Luke asked, and Michael was honestly surprised that the blond still sounded sad.

Was he always sad? Did it come and go in waves? Was it always this heartbreaking?
Surely that wasn't any way to live?

"I think he's in my room." Michael sat up, his back cracking as he did so. "Jesus, I don't know why I didn't grab a pillow or some shit."

"Oh... Is he sleeping?"

"To be honest with you, Luke, he's probably texting some guy." Michael said, dejected. "He usually does that when he's pissed off or whatever. He told me."

Luke felt his chest hurt. "Oh... What about Ashton?"

"Uh, thing is-" Michael ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it slightly, "-he and Cal got into a bit of a fight and he stormed out."

"They both left me?"

"Aw hey, I'm here." Michael tried to cheer him up, cracking a smile. "I ain't that bad, I promise."

Luke huddled into a small ball, back against the couch and demeanour utterly deflated. "Why won't they stay with me anymore? Did I push them away?"

"They're just too far up their own asses, Luke. That's all." Michael insisted, getting up from the floor and standing to his feet. "Come on, let's get you some food or something; when's the last time you ate?"

"Dinner last night, I think?" Luke took Michael's outstretched hand that was offered to him and got up too. "I skipped breakfast and started drinking."

Michael chuckled. "Been there, done that. You know what you need? A huge-whopper of a burger. That's what."

"I didn't bri—"

"Ay, don't care about the money, bud. I'll pay." Michael dismissed. "You been through some shit, lemme try make ya' feel better. Yeah?"

"Are you sure? I-I mean I could probably go back home now, and get out your way." Luke fretted.

"If you were in my way you wouldn't even be here, mate." Michael politely argued. "Now come on, I'm hungry; let's eat."



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"Okay so like, we're running from the cops 'cause they caught me passing some dust and Ashton deadass, no lie, takes my bat from me and hurls it at their car." 

Michael laughed as he told his story, sitting with Luke in an old run down diner that he apparently came to quite often; considering the staff knew him like an old friend. Two trays of food were scattered in between them as they sat opposite each other at a booth table.

Burgers were pulled apart, fries stuffed into dumped bread rolls and drinks spilling over the sides after a whole eating contest that had led to a cackling Luke rolling on the floor as Michael struggled to chew an entire mouthful of pickle slices.

"The bat goes clean through the windshield and knocks one guy out. The other guy legit gets out and starts running right for us." Michael snickered. "I tell ya' I never run so fast in my life."

Luke chuckled in amusement. "So you guys do that often?"

"Hell, we be doing dumb shit all the damn time. Just last week we were practically high as fuck and tried to rob this woman's house. She swooped my ass with the broom, but he stole her laptop and smashed it. Funny shit."

Michael chewed and swallowed a group of fries, before taking a gulp of his drink and talking again as Luke chewed on a piece from his burger mess.

"So do you and Cal ever do shit like that?" 

Luke shook his head. "Not really. I kinda don't like bringing him into my life like that."

"Ah shit, yeah. Fair enough." Michael nodded in agreement. "Ash 'nd I didn't have much choice. We met through the same gang."

"Gang?" Luke frowned. "He didn't say he was in a gang."

"Well technically he's not anymore, he does the ring fights instead. They like him so they let him fight, otherwise he'd just be another kid selling crack. Like us." Michael paused. "Do you sell for people or...?"

"Like one guy." Luke trailed off. "But I stopped, couldn't do it anymore."

"Fair. Wish Ash would quit like that. His ex ain't someone I'd wanna be dealing with."

"So he works for his ex?"

"Nah, his ex is like some rival or something." Michael casually explained. "I dunno to be honest, he doesn't tell me much."

"That's concerning." Luke fretted.

"Oi, don't you go worrying over it." Michael playfully scolded. "You're s'posed to be caring 'bout yourself, kid."


"Nuh." Michael stood up. "C'mon, let's hit the town. Get you back on your feet."

"What?" Luke gave a confused look.

"You know? Get you back to that bratty shithead I met like months ago." Michael paused. "It was months right? I can't even remember."

Luke shrugged and got up. "I guess?"

"Come on, I'll show you this fucking dope house Ash and I always trash." 

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