Zion are you done with the sample's? Can you explain what you know? Here is what we know from the blood drawn at Gabriel's turning.

Vampire cell's are dead in vampire's rven though the eggs and sperm are present.

Gabriel was on high doses of chemo therapy from I-V to vein doctor's were trying to eradicate an aggressive cancer before it metastasized to her bones. Without it she would've died within a year.

As we know chemotherapy is Radiation, in human's it kills cancer but in vampire's it awakens dormant cells.

This is why your body functions as human. You had chemo treatment's every day that month correct? Yes. When Clarence bit you and vampire venom entered your blood stream it attached to the chemo.

Radiation + chemo kills everything bad in human's allowing the good to live.

Your eggs? Alive. His sperm? Dead, when his sperm passed through the radiation in your blood stream your body realized something was missing. It needed live sperm for the live female eggs in Gabriel.

The radiation jump started your dead sperm giving them life! Quite amazing actually.
How long the chemo lasts or if it runs out I'm unsure.

That's why you didn't die when Clarence bit you or when Niarchos almost drained you because the radiation acted as a anti-body for the human side of you quickly repairing the damage.

That's why you walk in the sun a human body need's it for healing, for the record this is theoretical don't quote me.

Zion, call the Elders tomorrow before competion no scroll writer's.
The next night Elders and their spouses gathered with Eagle on face time.
Gabriel sat next to Niarchos nervously holding his arm while Clarence grabbed everyone's attention.
We have an announcement were going to be parents!

When is the adoption Ann asked.

Annie, Gabriel is pregnant. Can't be crisply inhaling. She is Caleb and Zion confirmed. It is Clarence's child I saw it the night of the engagement party.

Congratulations Blaise yelled breaking the shocking ice. Papa Nate was happy. Zion is going to explain.
Grip joked you've got super sperm pop!

I ask that none of you discuss this we don't want vampire's grabbing human's on Chemo attempting to impregnate them if anyone speaks of this outside the Elders you'll be jailed for treason against the Pharoah and Queen.

I'd like to say something please the room grew silent. I want to thank God for all of you two year's ago I had no one and I was going to die.

Today I live, a King made me a Queen my husband a mother. I have a large family, they love me and I them thank you. Gabriel cried the women hugged her.

Caleb rushed Clarence to dress on time but Gabriel dragged. I'll send Niarchos to get you Sugar and you don't have to go.

It was my idea, I need to see if you can protect me. Really? I showed you in vegas, you almost left me.

Niarchos searched the limo and driver his gun's drawn he wasn't getting comfortable again.

Gabriel we're going to miss it as soon as he got in the limo he hugged her.

Nicky I'm pregnant holding him, and married move on, get married, be happy. You don't mean it I know you don't kissing her head.

Loving me is going to bring you death. Let it come I fear death no more I'd rather die knowing I loved twice in my life then not at all.

Tears rolled down her cheek. Don't do that wiping her face. What did I do so good in my life that God blessed me with all this love?

It's odd I'm this Queen, but with you I'm just Gabriel that queen stuff melts away. You're my teddy bear snuggling her nose in his neck.

Vampire Uprising I  (Book 1 In The Complete Series Of 13 Copy writen) Where stories live. Discover now