Day 15.5

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Virgil halted Storm instantly, grabbing Cloud's' reigns to do the same. The Dark Realm Prince crossed from his thestral onto Roman's' pegasus's' back, hugging the other man.

Roman just kept crying into Virgil's' shoulder, shuddering as he breathed in and out raggedly as he gasped for breath between his tears.

"It's okay, princey! We'll get through this! It- It's just a minor setback!" Virgil lied.

Roman buried his face into Virgil's' neck, sniffing slightly - suddenly he wasn't so brave and confident. "I-I didn't mean to! I-It just jumped out at us a-and I didn't know wh-what to do!" He wailed. Virgil could feel Roman looking up at him. "Y-You believe me, r-right?"

"Of course I do, Ro... This just- puts us in a difficult situation. Who knows about this?"


"Yeah, I got that."

"And Logan..."

"Alright... Don't worry, Ro, we can walk around this bad luck thing. Is the person you love the most on this little quest?"

Roman hesitated. "...No." Now, why didn't I just say yes and pretend it was some platonic love for Patton-

"Good, so we only have to keep you out of potentially dangerous situations." Virgil nodded, unattaching Roman. "Which, granted, will be hard now we're in the Dark Realm, but hey! Patton doesn't need to know, I guess?"

Roman nodded. "I don't want him to hate me..."

"Suprised he even likes you, princey. Ready to move along?" Virgil grinned cockily, cupping Roman's' face.

The Light Realm prince gave a half-smile and Virgil's' grin grew cheeky like he had just gotten a plan. Roman frowned in slight concern, yet a smile on his face as his humour returned. "What are you planning, emo monstrosity?"

"Patton and Logan are alone together!~" He cooed, switching back onto Storm. "Let's go see if they are upholding their promise!~"

And Roman scoffed, straightening up as he grabbed Cloud's' reigns, kicking her into motion again. "That is one of the best plans this group has ever had! Score one for Team Prinxiety!"

Virgil looked at him. "What?"

"You know, like a team name?"

"Yeah, got that, but what is Prinxiety?"

"A mix between our nicknames! Like, I'm Princey so that makes up the 'prin' part, and you're Anxiety so that makes up the 'xiety' part. Prinxiety!" Roman tried but just received a shrug from Virgil who looked mildly confused. "You never appreciate my creativity..." He grumbled.

Virgil smirked. "Your 'creativity' is limited to silly team names and singing songs while we're trying to sleep."

*OFfeNDed pRinCeY NoISEs*


Patton glanced up at Logan. The advisor was so formidably tall, looming over the baker proudly. His posture was perfect and he walked with short but fast, efficient steps. His black hair was swept back gently from his face, leaving his brown eyes to observe in a sharp, cautious manner from behind the lenses of his glasses. Logan held his head high and confidently strolled through the dangerous Dark Realm territory as though it were his back garden. The intelligence and coldness radiated off him in tidal waves, engulfing the smaller, chubbier Patton in the majestic storm that was Logan Berry.

Damn, he was beautiful.

Suddenly their eyes met and they both blushed. Patton broke eye contact quickly, staring somewhere to his left, looking anywhere but to his right where Logan was walking currently.

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now