Night 21

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Logan felt the cold sweat on the back of his neck as he gripped his sword tightly, the pain in his side burning like fire. Panting, he raised the red-coated sword above his head, swinging it down to here the clash of metal against metal - damn, he was hurt.

Black, fuzzy spots appeared in his visions regularly. Were they black? They looked kinda white. Or yellow. Or red. Or purple. Or green. Or blue. Or something.

Stumbling backwards, the advisor blocked his opponents' strike that could've killed him, trying to grip his wound closed. He screamed in agony again as the enemy's' sword slashed at his abdomen, finding it's' mark. Logan fell to the ground, feeling a metallic, warm liquid in his mouth. He had bitten his tongue.

The fuzzy spots were growing, clouding his sight as the pain spread throughout his system.

Logan lost his vision to the black spots.

Logan felt his hand move numbly to his abdomen and the sword fall from his grasp.

Logan's' head lolled back as a tiny breath left his lips.


Logan sat up sharply, refilling his lungs sharply. Coated in sweat, he wiped it off the back of his neck, feeling highly unnerved.

Recovering as swiftly as he could, he finally noted his surroundings. Logan was lying in a hay bale, his sleeping comrades surrounding him. A dark, foreboding castle rose high up, out of his line of sight. It climbed to almost nothing, bulit with dark bricks and wood, strong and evil in its' aura and design. The advisor shivered.

He did not like that place.

Turning his attention to his friends, he found Patton watching him from his lap.

 Logan jumped in fright. "P-Patton!" He hissed quietly. "Wh-What are you doing awake?"

"Wondering why you were tossing and turning in your sleep while I was using your lap as a pillow," Patton replied, hoisting himself up into a push-up pose, before sitting on his side. "What's wrong, Lolo?" He asked, cupping his boyfriend's neck.

Logan shook his head gently. "An unsettling dream."

"Could you talk to me about?"

"Can't remember..." Lied Logan.

Patton sighed, pecking Logan gently on the lips, ignoring the advisor softly stunned face. "If you're sure. I can stay up with you if you want?"

Logan smiled at Patton. "Thanks, Pat... That would be satisfactory..."

Patton giggled softly, with a tiny yawn, curling back up on Logan's' lap. "I don't wanna go into the castle..."

"Neither do I, Patton. It looks more harrowing every time it comes into view." Agreed Logan, stroking Patton's' light brown hair softly.


Roman watched as his two friends fell asleep from the corner. Lord, they were precious. Nearly as precious as Virgil. He turned to look at Virgil, sleeping in the opposite corner. He'd been quiet all throughout yesterday and had hardly made a noise other than a grunt for agreement and hmph for disagreement. Do you know how hard it is to have a friendly argument with someone who's just grunt and hmphing? It's nearly impossible!

Virgil gently rolled away from the wall as if letting Roman see his bangs fall across his face gently as he slept.

"Oh my stars, he's adorable..." Breathed Roman softly, settling himself down further into the stable pen.

With a yawn, he closed in on himself, asleep in moments.


A bit of a filler chapter, I'm afraid! Motivation is running low!

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now