Home Again

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Patton cradled Amai in his arms, standing at the edge of the portal. Deceit had reluctantly let Thomas go unharmed and everyone was waiting for Virgil to finish saying goodbye to Remy and Emile.

Although Patton was happy that Virgil had made friends, he was really annoyed that they had to be... them. Virgil had been questioned by them but he had still managed to befriend them. Honestly, could he only make friends by being kidnapped and then latching onto the most familiar faces? Probably, as that was the only way he'd made any friends in the first place.

Virgil finally stopped hugging Emile, who waved him off with a cheery, "Bye, kiddo! Tell that king he's to treat you right or I'll get Remy to burn his butt with some coffee!"

The prince laughed, elbowing Roman who looked slightly uncomfortable around the two Grey citizens. "Hear that, Ro?"

"I heard him," Roman replied, trying to laugh it off but still giving the two men an uncertain, untrusting, unsure stare. Logan stepped to the side, allowing Deceit and Remus to pass first, before taking Fletcher's' hand and walking through with Patton. Virgil led Roman out.

The two blinked slowly at the view that greeted them. The entire Light Army were circling around the portal. Two knights at the front were struggling to hold Remus and Deceit still.

"Get off me, you idiots!" Yelled Deceit, writhing in the arms of a Light guard. Remus was screaming at the knight holding him, who was screaming back.

"Woah!" Cried Roman, stepping forwards. "Let's clear this up, here, people! What's going on?"

A knight with a symbol carved into his shoulder plate shrugged. "We were told by Joan that, because you'd taken so long to come back, something must've happened. We were about to storm this place and then these two came out."

Deceit wriggled his way out of the tight grip of the knight, furious. "Do I look like I am one of those idiots to you?!" He spat crossly, pulling the still screaming Remus away from the guard that held him.

The knight holding him raised his hands up in surrender. "In my defence, sire, you shoved your hands in my face and obscured my vision. I couldn't recognise you. Besides, Joan's' orders were very specific."

"Glad to see they're just as intelligent as when I left." Muttered Virgil, darkly. Roman glanced at him, intertwining their fingers and giving his hand a little squeeze. Virgil looked away.

"-Wait, Virgil-! oh, no, back off!" Remy was suddenly pushed through the portal, looking slightly nervous and highly awkward under his sunglasses. "Virgil, please, I have no idea what it's doing but it definitely wants to eat me!"

Storm's' muzzle appeared through the portal, the thestral trying to rest his head on Remy's' shoulder despite the humans' protests. He snorted happily and then heard Virgil's' giggle. The entire Light Army jumped away when the huge, dangerous, skeletal horse spun around to whinny excitedly at the tall prince. The two embraced each other, proving their strong, unbreakable bond as Virgil cooed softly at the thestral, who snorted contently.

"Remy, this is Storm-"

"I know."

"And he isn't going to hurt you."

"Really?!" Said Remy, eyeing Storm fearfully. "Because he sure as hell gets too close and he's caused a lot of deaths!"

Virgil snickered. "He's chill with you, Remy. Trust me, you'd know if he wasn't." The prince glanced around. "Where are my imps?"

Remy frowned thinking for a moment, clicking his fingers as he tried to conjure up whatever Virgil was talking about in his mind. "Those... Those sentient winged children?"

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now