Four Years Apart

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Roman could hardly believe his eyes. Virgil stared at him with surprise and hope, and Roman could only assume he didn't believe it either.

Virgil was definitely taller, close to Deceit's' height now, when, four years ago, he'd been the smallest, excluding Patton. His arms were more toned and his cheekbones were higher, making him look more handsome than ever. Skin still pale and hair still black, Virgil's' eyes searched Roman's' own desperately.

Roman knew how bad he must've looked. A blood-drenched sword and hair swept back vainly must've made him look so self-righteous. Roman could only guess how sick and sleepless he looked, with dark circles around his eyes and pasty skin that no longer looked so healthy. Green eyes met brown and Virgil's' face broke from surprise to something unreadable.

"Virgil, I-" Roman began to apologize for everything when Virgil appeared in front of him, wrapping him in a bone-breaking hug. Roman hugged back tightly, tears in his eyes. "You've grown..."

"I'm taller than you now..." Mumbled Virgil into the top of his head.

Roman smiled softly, squeezing tightly. "I'll pretend I'm not jealous..."

Virgil giggled quietly and the two ignored everyone else in the room, who were waiting for them to finally let go. Well, they'd be waiting for a long time because Roman had let four years pass without seeing the beauty that was his boyfriend and now he wanted to savour this moment forever.

After ten minutes of holding onto each other tightly, Virgil finally loosened his grip only to lock Roman in a tender kiss. Roman kissed back passionately, smiling lovingly.

"Can you two wrap this up soon, I need to stop covering Patton's' eyes," Logan said in a monotone voice, but when the two, regretfully, ended the kiss to look at their friend, Logan was smiling.

Virgil raised an eyebrow with a cocky smirk. "Patton is twenty-three, Logan, surely he can witness people just kissing?"

Logan's' smile morphed into a grin. "I still like keeping him innocent."

Roman couldn't believe how much he missed that smirk of Virgil's' and he grabbed the mans' head and kissed him firmly again. Both ignored Logan's' amused groan.

"King Roman, if you could stop kissing my little brother right in front of me, I'd be very grateful." Teased Deceit with an edge to his voice that promised some sort of friendly consequence.

Sheepishly, Roman broke off the kiss.

Virgil smirked down at him. "The moment Dee leaves us alone, we're kissing each other again."

"Definitely," Whispered Roman, breathless from his boyfriend's' touch. All the sorrow of losing his father had melted, all the stress and worry drained away. The only thing he could think of was Virgil.

"So, Thomas, you've seen what I've done without even needing an army and now I'd like to declare war on you!" Deceit spun back to the other King, clapping his hands together.

Virgil stiffened and he peeled away from Roman to appear next to his brother. "Dee, wait, don't declare war!"

Deceit frowned and tilted his head. "Why?"

"Because you've already wiped half of their army! Besides, Emile let a lot of things slip while I was in his care. Everyone here is on an expedition - this Realm has been exploring everything for centuries and what they did was standard procedure. They usually don't encounter other intelligent or sentient beings, so they weren't expecting any resistance. A-And I don't know the rest, actually..." Virgil trailed off sheepishly, taking the back of his neck in his hand.

"We'd take the children because they'd put up less of a fight... Then we'd look at their DNA and observe genetic similarities and differences, behaviour patterns and reactions..." Emile whimpered, eyes still trained on the destruction that Deceit had left behind.

Patton jumped to his feet. "So where are my children?! Where are they?!" He demanded, eyes brimming with hot tears. Logan took his husbands' wrist, trying to calm him down.

Thomas moved from the wall, finding his breath again. "What are their names and genders?"

"Fletcher and Amai! Fletcher's a boy and Amai's a girl!"Patton shouted crossly.

Thomas turned to Remy with a sharp nod. Remy turned to leave but Emile continued to cling to his wrist. Prising himself away carefully, Remy kissed Emile's' head in reassurance before exiting the throne room.


It had been an hour. Virgil and Roman had huddled together in a far corner, hidden in the shadows, as they whispered and kissed softly. Logan had just held Patton close to him and Thomas had given his throne up to Deceit. Remus swung his mace around in a bored fashion, ignoring that it splattered blood around the room. Emile still stared out of the window.

Remy returned, looking oddly green. "Thomas, please don't let Emile out into the corridors until everything's been moved." He commented before making a direct line to a potted plant and vomiting. Beckoning with one of his hands, a grey armoured guard entered, helmet missing so everyon could see his average, pale face.

In one hand, he held Fletcher who rushed to his parents upon seeing them. In the other was Amai, with only one human arm.

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now