Fantasizing A War

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The four of them were sprawled out on Roman's' bed. Patton was the first one to speak, "Y'know, none of this would've happened if Virgil hadn't thrown up. We'd never have found him otherwise."

"Yes, Pat." Smirked Virgil, "If I hadn't felt so scared and dizzy that I'd been driven to the point of physically trying to distract myself, we wouldn't have gotten so close to the brink of war."

Patton gasped. "I didn't mean it like that, kiddo!"

"Actually, Patton, Virgil wouldn't have even been in the Light Realm if he and Deceit hadn't had their argument." Logan countered. He'd been made Roman's' royal advisor again, as it was just a day before the coronation and Roman had insisted he wouldn't be crowned King if he wasn't allowed Logan to be with him when he was.

Shrugging, Virgil commented, "It's odd to think that, only a few weeks ago, we'd be fantasizing a war that could burn everything to the ground."

"Mmm..." Went Patton, thoughtfully. "Fantasizing a war. So we were! We'd be travelling along, hoping we wouldn't be too late! Seems so funny that everything is peaceful and we were literally in an unstarted war a couple of days ago."

Logan nodded. "And to think - if we hadn't met, none of this would've happened. Virgil would still be trapped inside his incomplete illusion of life, where there was the Dark Realm and nothing else, and Roman wouldn't be coronated tomorrow."

"My coronation's today, now," Roman said, grabbing their attention. "It's a couple of minutes past midnight."

Virgil laughed. "Don't expect me to call you King, Ro. I'm still calling you Princey all the time."

Roman scoffed with a smile, leaning towards Virgil and pecking him on the cheek.

 Patton sat up, mouth open. "When did you two get together?"

"And, in a more chronological sense, when did you two make up?" Logan asked, sitting up as well.

Virgil shrugged, still lying down, as he smiled softly at Roman. "We made up when this doofus got so clumsy he couldn't stand. Did you get too flustered by my pretty face, Princey?" He cooed teasingly.

"Maybe," Roman said, before kissing Virgil properly, "But at least I don't freeze up with a tomato face every time I kiss you!"

Virgil went bright red, pushing Roman off him when he sat up. "Shut up, Roman!" He protested, shoving the prince playfully.

"Aw, you guys are so cute!" Whimpered Patton, eyes filled with parental love.

"Patton, you owe me a free meal." Claimed Logan, smirking slightly.

"Oh my cookies, I forgot about the bet..." Sagged Patton.

"You guys made a bet on us?!" Virgil frowned in disbelief. "Damn, guys, really? Now I owe Princey a large date!"

Roman smiled proudly. "We made a bet on you two too."

Logan's' smirk grew slowly into a grin. "'Two too'. That's kind of funny because they're homophones."

"I didn't know the homo's' had their own phone brand!" Joked Patton, beaming jollily.

Logan sighed. "I hate you, I love you. Honestly, feelings are awful."

"LoLo, you tease!" Patton's' beam grew bigger as he kissed Logan.

Virgil gagged, mockingly.

Roman rolled his eyes. "Oh, shush, emo nightmare, we were kissing a moment ago!"

"Yeah, well, we weren't making out, were we?" Countered Virgil, jabbing his thumb in the direction of the other two, both of which were kissing each other rather passionately and visibly weren't paying attention.

Roman thought for a moment, then smirked. "Well, we are now!"

"Wait, Princey-" Virgil began before Roman caught him in a strong kiss.

And that's how the four of them were left, sitting on Roman's' bed.


This is supposed to be the final chapter.

This is supposed to be where this story finishes and I begin a different one.

This is when I put this out of mind and, every now and then, smile to myself when I see someone has voted or commented on it.

This is where it's supposed to stop.

But I really don't want it to. Is that just me? Maybe I'll write Roman's' coronation to finish off this story. Maybe I'll come up with an idea for the sequel. Maybe I'll post an A/N that gives credit to the first two readers.

What do you think?

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now