Mutiny Of The Enemies

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Patton had to admit, travelling with the Kings' permission was rather fun. He had found out several things like you can skip queues, get discounts off your meals and always take priority. Logan said that they didn't need to do it much but Patton knew his husband was enjoying this deep down.

They'd met loads of people and had stopped off at Maria's' village to see her new husband, who hadn't been a nice man but it was an experience. They'd used hired thestrals from that village to fly to the next village and Heather had to get them to stop because the flying was confusing her as she tried to lock on to her friends.

It had been a slow-moving trip after that, but no one was giving up yet.


Joan lifted the tree branch in the orchard, letting Patton and Logan pass before they did. They had been travelling for a few days, and Heather was getting antsier the closer they got. She said she could feel the other Heathers now, but it was getting harder to pinpoint an exact location.

The three humans and one imp walked across a field before Joan grabbed their friends and pulled them down with Heather diving down after them.

"Joan, what-" Patton began but Joan shushed him, glaring over the bushes they had ducked behind.

Men in grey armour were walking across the field, all holding long sacks that wriggled often. They were pointing and possibly talking to each other.

Logan breathed in sharply. "They have children with them. Let's go."

"Mister Logan, no! They kill you! They managed to kidnap a human, a thestral and three imps all at once! You won't be much of a problem to them." Heather protested, flying over to him in concern.

Logan shook his head. "I can't let them take children, Heather. They may have Fletcher and Amai!"

Patton grabbed his forearm, forcing him down. "Logan, Fletcher and Amai have been gone for weeks! There's no way any of those sacks are our children. Besides, if we follow them, they can lead us to the portal. Right, Joan?"

"Yeah, Lo, Pat's' right. We need to follow them, Heather can't lock onto the Heathers because we're too close - these guys will be able to find the portal though." Joan said, watching as the men walked away.

Logan scowled. "Fine." He snapped quietly.

One sack began crying, and the rest began to scream too. Cries of help broke Patton's' heart and he raised a hand to his mouth to stop the squeak of sympathy.

"Help! Please! I wanna go home!" Screamed the first sack, lashing out with fear.

"Shush!" Snapped the man carrying him. "You'll go home soon, heretic."

"I wanna go home now! Mama, Mama!" Cried a toddler's' voice from the smallest sack. "I want Mama!"

The one holding the crying toddler stopped and stuck his hand down the sack then pulled it out fearfully. "It bit me!"

"Oh, quiet! Look, here comes the King's' representative." Ordered the one at the front of the pack.

Joan moved carefully around to a new bush to get the knights' view, their friends following them.  A man in a shiny, black, leather jacket that cropped at his waist was sauntering towards the group of grey armoured men. He held in his hand a long cup with a brown liquid in. This man wore sunglasses that blocked his eyes.

He nodded sharply at the men who straightened up like this man were a strict teacher who commanded impeccability. "Hey there, boys. You have the infants?"

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