Day 3

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Roman stretched as he sat up. His back was stiff like it had been every night he had spent in this silly cart. Once it had clicked satisfactorily, he looked about.

Logan was reading a large novel and Virgil was pouring over a map. Patton wasn't there.

"Ah, salutations, Roman. You're awake." Logan said, smiling lightly at his friend. "Patton has gone to the village market to buy some food, he should return momentarily. He left before you woke up because you and Virgil spent a long time dancing, and he believed you would be too tired to awaken."

"Hey, Ro, Logan, we're gonna run into some trouble up ahead," Virgil said, frowning at the map. A newspaper they had bought in Dragon's' Creek lay next to him as he traced several roads with his finger.

Roman climbed out of the cart, moving to Virgil, who looked up at him. "Put a shirt on before you stand anywhere near me, princey."

Roman looked down at himself, went red, and reached into the cart, rummaging around until he found a white t-shirt and slipped it on. He looked back to see Logan knelt beside Virgil, also frowning.

"What's the problem, guys?" He asked, sitting close to Virgil as he tried to spot the problem.

Logan replied, "We need to cross Siren Valley before we can travel without as much caution about being recognized."

"Okay? And the problem is?"

"The problem," Virgil leaned back, biting his bottom lip, "is that the newspaper has made a report saying that the bridge travellers use to cross Siren Valley has been in much need of repair, and it won't be long until it's all crumbled down and is unusable. If we want to get across with the cart, we'll need to move as quickly as we possibly can. "

"Ah. That is quite a problem." Agreed Roman, pursing his lips. "So we need Patton to arrive, like, now so we can try to get an early start."

A small cough sounded from one of the trees behind them. "Why do we need to get an early start?" Asked Patton, holding a wicker basket. A warm aroma wafted to the trio on the forest floor.

"We'll explain in a moment, Patton, but first," Logan stood up with a serious face, "please give us some food, I am ravenous."


"Mmmmm... So good..." Roman contemplated, holding a warm pastry that was called a croissant.

Virgil nodded enthusiastically as he agreed.

Logan smiled at Patton happily. "Thank you for fetching these pastries, Patton. They are more than adequate."

"Well, I've got to keep my kiddos happy, now, don't I?" Patton said with a bright, fatherly smile. Logan looked away, losing his smile. Patton winced.

Roman and Virgil glanced at each other and smirked at the hopelessness of their friends. "Anyway, Pops..." Virgil said slowly. "We need to get to a place called Siren Valley and apparently the bridge to get there is crumbling so... we kinda need to hurry."

Patton stood up. "Well, what are we staying here for? C'mon, guys! We need to go! We'll eat on the ride there, now let's go, let's go!"


Siren Valley whispered. It was a beautiful, soft, melodic whispering. It sounded like a thousand young maidens singing softly.

"That," whispered Virgil, wide-eyed, as he leaned over the cart railing, "Is the most beautiful noise I've ever heard..."

Roman smiled affectionately at his enemy, noting how innocent those big, brown eyes were. "It's quite a sound, isn't it?" Virgil just nodded mutely.

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now