Will You?

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They loved going to the meadow ever since that day they made it official seven years ago. The couple held each others' hands softly, the taller one resting his head on the others'.

The shorter glanced up at him. "I hate the fact you're taller than me."

"Can't control it," The other smirked.

"You're lucky I don't wear my crown just to stop you from doing that, it makes me feel like a child."

"And how did you think I felt, Roman?" Teased the taller one. 

King Roman of the Light Realm hummed softly, taking the others' wrist and bringing him down to kneel next to him. "At least when we're sitting down I can finally kiss you..." He mumbled, hand stroking across his boyfriends' jaw, thumb catching on his bottom lip. Roman needed this night to go just right. If it messed up, so would a lot of things he'd have dreamt of.

His boyfriend smirked his cocky smirk that hadn't changed since he was eighteen. He leaned forwards, connecting lips with the King softly before ending it too quickly for Romans' liking.

"So, princey, what are we doing back out in the meadow? Just like last month and the month before that?" Despite Roman being a King, Prince Virgil of the Dark Realm would call him 'princey', a nickname that had stuck since they first met each other in Roman's' private bathroom. It was a long story.

"Oh, shush, emo, you know you love it here!" Roman teased, trying to pull Virgil back into a kiss.

Virgil, for once, resisted. "I do, but today's special. It marks the seventh anniversary of the peace between our two Realms and you've said absolutely nothing about it." He searched Roman's' eyes, a small amount of nervousness hidden behind loving amusement. "What's up?"

"Shut up and kiss me again," Complained Roman, pushing himself closer to Virgil but his boyfriend kept moving away.

"Roman, seriously, is something up? You always do something special on these days and now you've just taken me to the same meadow we go every month!"

Roman finally gave up trying to kiss Virgil, pouting slightly. "I thought you liked it here."

Virgil giggled slightly at Roman's' pout, brushing his lovers' hair away from his eyes swiftly so he could stare into them just like he always did. If you had told these two that day they'd met that this was where they'd be in less then ten years, they'd have laughed at you. The two were never friends, not once. Somehow, though, along a journey that had only lasted a little under a month, they'd found something in each other that was irresistible.

And that was why Roman had a ring in his back pocket.

"You know I love it here and you know I love you but, really, now, you're being really off!" Smiled Virgil but his tone was tinged with mild concern.

Roman smiled. "I just love you so much," He mumbled, trying to keep his own worry away. Despite seven years spent with Virgil as his lover and two years of planning, Roman feared he was rushing in. He feared that Virgil wasn't ready or Virgil would realise he didn't want to make this commitment and he'd leave Roman. In fact, he was stubbornly convinced it would happen and he was just desperate to spend as much time with the man he loved before ruining it all.

Suddenly he felt his anxiety sift away. It wasn't instantly gone, it had just managed to slip from his mind. Roman blinked slightly, mind clear, and he looked around to see what on earth had happened. Then his eyes landed on Virgil, who was squirming nervously.

"Oh, Vee," He whispered softly. "You didn't have to do that for me. You know I hate it when you take others' anxiety away from them!"

Virgil pouted slightly, eyes looking panicked. "Well, you weren't being any fun. Why were you even anxious? A-Are you going to-?!" Then he paled and Roman felt his stomach drop and his heart shatter as Virgil whispered, "You weren't going to break up with me, were you?"

"Virgil, that's my anxiety talking," Lectured Roman. He took Virgil's' hands. "I'd never break up with you unless it meant I could ask this question. Can you stand up for me?" He asked.

The prince hesitated but stood with the King, who planted a kiss on his neck. It wasn't a sexual kiss at all. It was reassuring and gentle.

The moment Virgil looked calmer, Roman was on his knees. He presented a small box. It was purple, with a small red ribbon wrapped around it like a present. Roman looped a finger through the bow, pulling it loose easily as the box sprung open. Inside was a ring, with a single ruby embedded in gold.

"Virgil," Began Roman as his lovers' lips parted softly and his eyes widened as he realised why his boyfriend had been feeling so anxious. "Will you-?"

Virgil kissed him before he could finish the sentence.


It was late at night when ten-year-old Fletcher stormed back home. He had enough anger to punch anyone just to let it out, enough pain to win in a competition against all r/imfourteenandthisisdeep posts and enough hate to despise his family. Well, except for Father. Father was the only one who noticed him anymore and it was around now when he got home.

Fletcher would always stay away from his Pa and sister until Father got home. His Father was the Royal Advisor and great friends with King Roman. He was startlingly tall, although not as tall as Prince Virgil or King Deceit, with ebony black hair and blue eyes. He'd just taken off his advisory robe when he saw the young boy walk in.

"Fletcher, do you know what time it is?" He lectured but his eyes were filled with sympathy as he knelt down next to him.

"Yeah, it's 11:54 pm, but Pa wasn't paying attention to me. He was fussing over Amai again, he never pays attention to me anymore unless it's to tell me off..."

His father tilted his head sadly. His name was Logan and he was famous across all three Realms that were known. He'd prevented a war between the Dark and Light Realm with his husband and friends seven years ago and, only two years ago, he'd stormed the Grey Realm to rescue Fletcher and his sister, Amai, from King Thomas, a surprisingly naive but strong king, who'd fallen to the power of King Deceit. Honestly, Logan was only twenty-five!

Logan sighed softly, placing his hand on his sons' shoulder. "I'm sorry, Fletch, I really am. You shouldn't have to go through this, not at all."

"I wish I could spend more time with you..." Mumbled Fletcher, his voice a little petulant and whiny but controlled. You never whined when talking to Logan. Only his husband, Patton, ever got away with it.

His father pulled him into a rare but welcome hug. "I know, but you also know how much my job means to me. I understand that I retired after Patton and I adopted you but you also know that I hated that period of my life, where I'd do nothing but sit in your Pa's' bakery and pretend I knew how to take someones' order. The job I have now, well..."

"It's where you belong..." Finished Fletcher with a sigh. He'd heard that line again and again over these past two years, always to finish similar speeches of how much Logan cared for his job. Fletcher understood, obviously. He was surprisingly mature for a ten-year-old, but that happens when the only parent who bothers to talk to you is the most formal and stern. Fletcher couldn't remember the last time Logan had cried. He knew that he'd cried after King Romans' crowning speech, you could see the happy tears in his eyes in all the books from when he was eighteen and had just saved the Light Realm from getting burnt to the ground. Fletcher had cut out that picture from a library book he'd found. It showed his Pa too. Fletcher missed him.

But Patton was always fussing over Amai and that made Fletcher clench his fists. Why must it always be her? Why did the fact that she has a metal arm make him the forgotten one? New people always knew Amai's' name but always hesitated before saying his. Roman and Virgil paid attention to him though. They treated him and his sister equally and that was all he wanted. Why couldn't he and Amai be equal? Why must he be second best?

Logan pulled out of the hug, smiling at Fletcher.

The boy swallowed nervously, wringing his hands together. "Will you-?"

"Yes, Fletch." Smiled his father. "I'll tuck you in, tell you a story from work and I won't tell Patton you were up this late."

Fletcher beamed back. Logan was the best. He'd never hurt him. As his father prepared a story from work to tell his son, Fletchers' thoughts darkened.

 He may never hurt his father, yes.

But Patton and Amai were a different story.

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