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Warning: Strong language that is not Patton Approved

"I'm sorry," Virgil said to Logan.

Logan looked at him. "For what?"

"For making you lose your job... if I had told you who I was, you and Pat would still have jobs..." The boy in black hid his face in his knees. He and Logan were sitting against the wall on the second floor of Roman's' closet, which had been converted into a den first, and then a secret operating base after Patton and Logan had lost their jobs. Logan looked down at the Prince softly.

He replied, "It's fine, Virgil. But I have a question."

Virgil looked up at him and arched a solitary eyebrow. "What?" He asked cautiously.

"King Deceit has magic - all of the Dark Royalty do. So, I was curious about what yours was." Logan tried to sound casual, but the inquisitive hope of his inquiry was plain.

"It's-" Virgil paused. "It's hard to explain. It's... Stand back, now." Logan stood up with Virgil, taking a step back. "A little further," chuckled Virgil, waving his hand. "You have no idea what I can do."

Logan felt slightly unnerved by the anxious mans' confidence. Virgil reached for his jacket, taking it off to reveal a stylish long sleeve. Taking that off too, he stood there focusing. "You ready?" He asked. Logan nodded, feeling slightly stupid for no reason.

A soft ripping noise and Virgil's' head snapped down. He hunched over, grabbing at his knees for support.  The skin on his back was tearing either side of his spine. Black, hairy things pushed through the open wounds that didn't seem to bleed. They were spider legs. The legs kept pushing until they finally curved down around the hunched Virgil. Virgil grunted and looked up at Logan, who let off a slightly girly squeak.

Instead of the smooth, unblemished, pale face of the enemy prince, four pairs of yellow eyes with purple irises stared up at him, and large, clicking fangs came through the corners of his mouth. "Woah..." Was all Logan could manage to say.

With another grunt, the eyes blinked and the skin melted over them, back into place. The legs pushed themselves back into his body and the wounds closed over. Virgil straightened, a normal human being again. "There you go."

"W-Was that your magic?"

"A bit of it. I don't know most of what I can do." Virgil looked at the palms of his hands. "Things can explode when I lose my temper, and sometimes they just disintegrate- vanish." He admitted.

Logan blinked. "That... Is so cool!" Suddenly, Virgil felt like he was more looking at a schoolboy than a formal ex-advisor. "So what can Deceit do?"

"Oh!" Virgil laughed, Logan's' enthusiasm getting to him. "You don't want to know!"

Suddenly Patton was there. "Oh, guys! You won't believe what has happened! It's-!" He froze. "Why doesn't Virgil have a shirt?"

Virgil went as red as a tomato, grabbing his shirt and jacket. "S-Sorry, Patton... I was just showing Logan something..."

"Yeah..." Patton spoke slowly before he shook it off. "Anyway, you've gotta come quick! It's urgent!" And he grabbed Logan's wrist, dragging him away from away Virgil, leaving the enemy prince to put back on his shirt.


"Dear fuckwits!" Remus stood on the head of the giant bear, that towered above the pathetic city walls. He yelled into a microphone with a big smile on his face. "Please note that your precious city and castle is surrounded by Dark Realm warriors. You, little bitches, are going to get sieged until our Prince is returned! If he is not returned to us within a month, we shall burn this whole Realm to the ground!" Remus paused for a moment then called down to someone down the back of the bear. "Hey, Dee, when we do that, can we make s'mores?"

A loud, embarrassed groan could be heard from behind the Duke.

"I'll take that as a yes." He turned back to face the city. Remus smiled back down at the paralyzed citizens. "Now, if you truly don't want to have your home destroyed, you must return Prince Virgil to King Deceit. Thank you, the siege will begin now!" And the giant bear walked away, and the thunderous footsteps of the Dark Realms army closed around from each angle.

There was silence in the city, then screaming erupted with everyone running in different directions.

Roman clung to the bannister of the Royal Viewing Balcony. Patton was clutching Logans' arm and Virgil stayed backed up against the wall. Roman swallowed. "Oh, crap..."

"Language..." Whispered Patton.

Virgil stepped away from them into the castle halls. Slowly, he walked through the corridor. Passing several doors, someone lunged from a room and dragged him in the room. A hand clamped over his mouth and he looked up to see the flat blade of sword collide with his head.



Hah, that was an awful cliffhanger. To be honest, I wrote this all with Six songs blaring on my headphone. Again, nothing else to write here.

I'm just gonna yeet myself out the window.

Fantasizing a war - A Sanders Sides Trilogyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن