• Chapter Fifty-Five •

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*Stef's Point of View*

I walked into the kitchen at home, carrying a small box of a few old files from work. I set the box on the stool by the table, and took a couple out. Lena walked in a few minutes later. "What are you working on?" She asked, walking over and looking into the box.

"Just going through some old files. Since I'm not allowed to go back to work for the week." I replied. I had gotten the call from Captain Roberts the previous evening. I threw the files in my hand into the recycling bin, and pulled out a couple others.

Lena sat on the open stool, and sighed. "You can't be too upset about that, you know." She said. "They have that rule in place for their officers' safety."

"I know that, love. It's just frustrating. Since you weren't able to go to that interview we don't have a paycheck coming in this week." I said, throwing more files into the recycling.

Lena gently grabbed my wrist, and I looked at her. "Honey, we'll be fine. Its just one week. We have money set aside in case we need it, and we can use some of that if we really need to." She said, eyebrows raised.

I sighed, and moved the box onto the table. I sat in the stool, and moved the hair out of my face. "I know, I know." I said. I smiled at Lena, and took her hand in mine. "How did I get so lucky?" I asked, smiling. I leaned in, and kissed her. I got up and threw the rest of the files into the recycling.


*Lena's Point of View*

As Stef and I sat in our bed, I started to think about what she had said earlier. "You know, your mom did offer to help out if we needed it while I'm looking for a job." I said. I knew Stef didn't want to ask her mom for money, but we would need it this week.

"You know I don't want to take money from my mother." She said, putting her book on her nightstand and looking at me.

"You're right, I do know that, but it would probably be helpful this week since you can't go in." I said, meeting her gaze.

Stef sighed, and looked at the bedspread. "You're right. We may need it this week." She said. "But that would mean I'd need to tell her." She said, looking back at me.

"What do you mean you would need to tell her?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. I then realized what she meant. "Stef, why didn't you tell her? She's your mother, and she would want to know if something happens, especially this!" I said, knitting my eyebrows together.

"I didn't tell her because I know she'd over react." Stef said, sighing. "I mean, I know she cares, but I'm fine, love. And I don't need her freaking out about this when I'm fine."

I placed my hand on Stef's. "I know you're fine, but your mother doesn't even know what happened. If you don't want to ask her for help this week, that's fine. But I do think you should tell her what happened." I said, raising my eyebrows.

Stef sighed. "Okay, I'll call her." She grabbed her phone, and walked into the other room. I got up and walked into the nursery to check on Penny. I peeked in, and saw she was asleep, and I smiled. I walked back into my own room, and into the bathroom. I pulled my hair back into a loose bun, and proceeded to sit back down on the bed.

Stef walked back in a few minutes later, and put her phone on the charger. She sat down on her side of our bed, and sighed. I placed my hand on her knee. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked at me, and half-smiled. "Yeah, I'm good. She was concerned, obviously, but I assured her I'm fine. I told her about not being able to go back into work this week." She responded. "She said she wants to help out if we need, so she wants to give us a bit of money for bills."

"Are you okay with that?" I asked, knowing she may not be.

"I mean, if she wants to help, then I can't stop her. It is my mother we're talking about, after all." Stef replied, chuckling.

I smiled, and squeezed her hand. We laid down, and turned off the lamps. "Goodnight, Stef." I said.

"Goodnight, love." She replied.

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