• Chapter Fourty-One •

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Thank you all for being patient! Im done with finals, and I have a two week winter break, so I'll be updating a lot! Happy Holidays!


*Stef's Point of View*

Once we had finished wrapping the final gifts, we put them under our small tree, and headed up to our bedroom. We changed into our pajamas, and laid down in our bed. My phone dinged, alerting me I had gotten a new text. I picked it up, and looked at the text. I sighed, and looked over at Lena.

Lena looked over at me, and wrinkled her eyebrows. "Are you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I just got a text from Captain Roberts. She wants Mike and I to go to the Police Team Convention in Dallas with her." I explained, frowning.

Lena sat up, and looked at the bedspread. "How long is it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, clearly trying not to sound upset.

"It's just a few days." I said, sitting up and putting my hand on her knee. "We'll leave tomorrow and be back on the 23rd." I added, knowing that wouldn't make a difference.

We sat there in silence, neither one of us knowing what to say. I looked her, and sighed. "I wish I didn't have to go, but I do." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"I know you have to go. I just wish it wasn't so close to Christmas." She said, still looking at our bedspread. I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, and half smiled. "I do too." I replied.

The next morning I got up and got dressed for a day of travelling. I pulled my suitcase out of the closet. I packed my back up uniform, and some other clothes. I got my toiletries, and put them in a large Ziploc bag. Once I was packed, I took my suitcase downstairs, and set it by the front door.

I walked into the kitchen, and saw Lena making breakfast. I walked over, and wrapped my arms around her waist. I laid my chin on her shoulder, and sighed. "I love you." I said, kissing her cheek.

"I love you, too." She replied, smiling and putting food onto a couple plates. We ate breakfast together, and soon it was time for me to head to the airport. We walked over to the front door, and turned to face Lena. I took her hand in mine, and smiled. I leaned in and kissed her. "See you in a few days." I said, half-smiling.

"See you in a few days." She said, returning the smile. I walked out the door, and out to the cab I had called. As it drove away, I waved to my wife one more time.


*Lena's Point of View*

I watched the small yellow car drive off, and disappear in the distance. I closed the door, and locked it. I walked back into the kitchen, and began cleaning up the dishes from breakfast. I soon heard noise coming from the baby monitor we had in the kitchen, and I walked up the staircase and into the nursery. I picked Penny up out of her crib, and got her changed into some new clothes. I took her back downstairs with me, and sat on the floor in the living room. I put her down in front of me, and smiled.

A couple hours later the doorbell rang. I picked up Penny, and walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw my mother. I opened the door, and smiled.

"Hey, mom!" I said, wrapping my open arm around her. "What are you doing here?" I asked pulling away and smiling.

"I just thought I'd drop by to say hi since I'm in town." She said, returning the smile. We walked into the house, and I closed the door behind us. My mom took Penny, and sat on the couch in the living room. I joined her a moment later, and smiled once again.

"What are you in town for?" I asked, running a hand through my hair.

"Well, funny story actually. My boss told me he wanted a co-worker and I to come to this convention with him. We spent all day yesterday travelling down here, and I managed to slip away to come here for a while during the lunch break." She said, laughing towards the end.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. My mother did some crazy things. "So, where's Stef? I thought she had weekends off." My mother asked, moving Penny to her other knee.

"Oh, she's on her way to Dallas." I said, rubbing the side of my neck. "The chief at the station texted her last night that she wanted Stef and Mike to go to a Police Convention down there for a few days." I said, straightening my mouth.

"Oh, well, it's only a few days, right? That's not too long!" My mother said, trying to lighten things up.

"I guess." I said, only thinking about how much I wanted to change the subject. I noticed the time, and took Penny upstairs to put her down for her morning nap. I walked back down the stairs, and stood in the entrance of the living room. "So, do you want some tea?" I asked my mother.

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