• Chapter Fourty-Four •

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*Lena's Point of View*

When I arrived at the small restaurant, I got out of my car and took Penny out of her car seat. I grabbed my bag, and locked the car. I walked in, and found that my dad already was sitting at a table. I walked over, and sat across from him. "Hey, dad." I said, putting Penny in the wooden high chair a waiter had brought over.

"Hey." He replied, smiling. He then frowned, and raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry I haven't reached out lately." He said. "Life just keeps getting in the way." He said, chuckling slightly .

I reached across the table, and put my hand on his forearm. "It's okay Dad, really. All that matters is you did, and that we found a way to meet up and spend some time together." I said, smiling at him.

He returned the smile, and put his other hand on mine. "So, how have you been?" He asked, opening up the small menu.

"I've been good." I told him, half-smiling. "Stef and I got to finish our holiday shopping a couple days ago." I said, looking at the options. I swallowed, and sighed quietly. "She's actually in Dallas right now, so I've just been hanging around the house and doing some reading." I said, closing the menu.

My dad looked up at me, and raised an eyebrow. "Why's she in Dallas?" He asked.

"The Cheif of the SDPD wanted Stef and Mike to go to a conference with her. She left yesterday, and she's supposed to be back tomorrow." I explained, looking up at him. He nodded, and closed his menu.

A while later we finished eating, and paid for the meal. My father and I stood up, and I walked over to him. I hugged him, and sighed. I pulled away, and picked Penny up. I grabbed my bag, and walked out to the car. I put Penny in her car seat, and got into the car. I drove off, making our way back home.


We arrived back at the house not too much later, and I got out of the car. I got Penny out of her car seat, and put my bag over my shoulder. I locked the car, and walked into the house. I set my bag down on the small table by the door, and took Penny upstairs. I laid her in her crib, and cracked the door.

I went back downstairs, and grabbed my laptop from the charger in the kitchen. I opened up my list of possible jobs I was interested in, and look through the applications for each. I adjusted the list, and closed the laptop.

I walked into the living room, and sat on the couch. I grabbed the book that was sitting on the coffee table, and began to read.

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