• Chapter Thirty-Five •

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This picture of Stef and Lena is literally the cutest 😭


*Lena's Point of View*

As the concert ended, we made our way out of the theatre, and to our car. Once we were in, we drove off. We stopped at Finnley's, a favorite restaurant of ours. The waiter led us to our table, and gave us each a menu. "I think they outdid themselves this year." I said, referencing the ensembles we had just watched.

"Oh, definitely." Stef said, skimming the menu. "I think they also added a couple ensembles." She said, looking up.

We enjoyed the rest of the evening together, and eventually made our way back to our house. As Stef grabbed something from the car, I walked up the steps, and into the house. I saw Sharon sitting on the couch, watching the news. "Hey." I said, smiling as I walked over to her.

"Oh, hi! How was it?" She asked, turning off the TV.

I sat on the edge of the small coffee table in front of the couch, and smiled. "It was really good." I said. "Per usual." I added, laughing slightly.

Stef walked in not too long after, and she joined us in the living room. We talked for a while, and just enjoyed each other's company.

"I think I'm going to head up to bed." I said after while. "Good night." I proceeded up the large staircase, and decided to peek in on Penny.

I walked over to the nursery, and smiled as I saw her asleep in her crib. I cracked the door, and walked into my bedroom. I changed into my pajamas, and sat on my side of the bed. Stef came in not too much later, and she changed into her pajamas. She walked over, and sat on her side of the bed. She grabbed my hand, and smiled at me. I looked at her, and returned it.


*Stef's Point of View*

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Lena said, breaking the silence. "What do you think about me seeing if I can find a part time job?" She asked.

I looked at her, a little surprised. "What made you start thinking about this?" I asked, trying not to sound as though I was against the idea. Having more than one salary coming in again would be helpful.

"I honestly don't know." Lena said, looking at our comforter. She then looked at me. "So you're not against the idea, is what you're saying." She said, slightly smirking.

I rolled my eyes, and put my hand on her knee. "No, I am not against it." I said, slightly laughing.

Lena smiled, and moved closer. I wrapped my arm around her, and she laid her head on my chest. "I love you." She said.

"I love you too, baby." I replied, placing a kiss on her forehead.

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