• Chapter Fourty-Five •

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*Stef's Point of View*

I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. I hit the dismiss button, and sat up. I wiped the sleep out of my face, and got up and ready for a morning of travel. As soon as I was ready and had all of my things packed up, I left my room and went down to the lobby. I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a cup of coffee.

Mike came down a bit later, and joined me. We sat at the table together, in silence. Captain Roberts appeared, and we all grabbed our things and got into the cab taking us to the airport.

We checked our bags and went through security, and found our way to our gate. We sat in the low chairs, and didn't really talk to each other for a bit. "Thank you two for coming with me." Captain Roberts said, breaking the silence. "I apologize it was such late notice. I would have let you know sooner if I had known about it."

An hour later, we boarded the plane. We found our way to our seats, Mike and I in the same row. We sat down, and put our carry-ons under the seats in front of us. I looked at him, and half-smiled. "That conference was really something, huh." I said jokingly. He looked at me and rolled his eyes, trying not to smile. I laughed, and pulled out a book of crosswords I had brought.

A couple hours later we touched down in San Diego. I stood up, and grabbed my bag from under the seat. The three of us made our way over to the baggage claim, and got our suitcases. The cab I had called was in front of the airport, and I climbed in.


*Lena's Point of View*

I woke up a while later, and realized I had fallen asleep on the couch. I walked up the stairs, and into my room. I put on some clean clothes, and pulled my hair back into a bun. I sat on the bed, and looked through my Twitter for a bit.

A bit later, I heard noise coming from the baby monitor. I stood up, and walked into the nursery. I smiled at Penny as I picked her up and changed her into some new clothes. I carried her down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I put her in the high chair we had, and strapped her in. I started the coffee pot, and put the water in.

A while later, I heard the front door open. I walked around the corner, and saw Stef. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her. "Welcome home." I said, smiling at her. We walked into the kitchen, and Stef went over to Penny. She took her out of the high chair, and held her.

I poured us each a cup of coffee, and we sat at the counter. "How was the conference?" I asked, taking a drink from my mug.

"It was... interesting." Stef replied, chuckling a bit. "I didn't really know what to expect since I'd never been to one before, but it was kinda cool. There were a bunch of other officers from other departments, and we got to talk about how each department handles what situation, and things like that." She said, taking a drink from her mug.

I smiled at her. "We've missed you." I said, chuckling and looking at Penny.

"I've missed you two as well." Stef replied, smiling at me, then at Penny.

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