• Chapter Twenty-Eight •

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*Lena's Point of View*

After a long afternoon of meetings and applying for grants, I was finally able to go home. I grabbed my things, and put them in my messenger bag. I walked out of the office, closing the door, and locking it. I walked through the empty halls, and out to my car.

I got home, and I sat in the car for a moment. I stared at the wheel, thinking about everything that's been going on. I blinked a couple times, realizing I had zoned out. I grabbed my bag, and walked into the house.

Stef was sitting in the kitchen, working on some things on her laptop. She saw me walk in, and looked at me. "Everything okay, love?" She asked, concerned.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Just a long, stressful afternoon." I said, placing my bag on the table. I walked over to her, and wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped hers around me, and sighed. "I love you." I said.

"I love you too, baby." She replied.


*Stef's Point of View*

As Lena and I changed into our pajamas and got ready for bed, I couldn't help but notice something was bothering her, and she wasn't telling me. We laid down, and I scooted closer to her, and wrapped my arm around her, and held her hand. "You know that if something is bothering you that you can always talk to me, right?" I asked.

Lena rolled over, and faced me. "I know." She said. She looked down at the comforter for a moment, and then back at me, as she sighed. "As soon as you left, Monte came in and asked if I had applied for new grants." She began to explain. "It's not only that. It's just, ever since I got back she's been piling all this work on me, and she doesn't even seem to care how much stress she's causing."

I kissed her forehead, and met her gaze. "Is that why you mentioned quitting your job last night?" I asked, softly. I put my hand on her arm, and began stroking it.

She nodded, as her eyes began to water. "I know it's dumb, but I just can't handle it anymore." She said, wiping her eyes.

"Oh, love. It's not dumb. I know that your stressed, and I know that you have been all week." I said, sighing. I gently pulled her closer to me, and wrapped my arms around her. She laid her head on my shoulder, as a test ran down her cheek. "I know you feel you need to be strong, but it's okay to not be okay, love." I told her, stroking her hair.

"Would you be upset if I quit?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Not at all, love." I said, kissing her forehead.

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