• Chapter Ten •

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*Stef's Point of View*

I walked into the house after a long day of patrolling for the missing girl, and plopped down on the couch. I rubbed my face as I noticed Lena walk into the room. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

"Mike and I have been put on a case about a missing girl that's run from four different foster homes. I just feel so guilty because I saw her a few days ago when I went to the store to get the items for dinner with our parents. I thought that she was probably waiting for someone." The words came spewing out of my mouth, and I felt a pang of guilt tugging at my stomach.

"Stef, it's not you're fault. You hadn't gotten the case yet, and you didn't know she was a runaway." Lean said, trying to comfort me. She placed her hand on my back and began rubbing it gently.

"I know, but I can't help but feel guilty. I should have done something. Asked her if she needed help or something." I said, staring blankly at the floor.

"She would have run, Stef. You always have your badge on you in case you need it. If she saw it, she probably would have run." Lena adds.

I turned to my wife. "You're right, love." I half smiled as I placed a kiss on her lips. "Was your day as eventful as mine?" I joked, sitting back up.

"I had lunch with my mom since she was in town. We talked about a few things, and I told her about our appointment tomorrow." Lena said.

"I've actually been meaning to talk to you about this. I know you have to go in when they call you, but I really wish they didn't call you in on your days off. I miss being able to just relax, or do something together." Lena said, a single tear running down her cheek. I wiped it away, using my thumb.

"I do too, love." I said looking at her. "I actually have a few days coming up that I will definitely have off. Captain Roberts felt bad about her calling me in on my days off, so she said the next few days I won't need to come in." I said, half smiling at Lena. "We could take a little trip somewhere."

Lena smiled, and leaned forward to place a kiss on my lips. "That sounds like a good idea. Wherever shall we go?" She asked.

"Does Hollywood sound okay? We could see the walk of fame, and maybe meet a couple celebrities." I said, winking.

Lena chuckled, and smiled. "Hollywood sounds great."


*Lena Point of View*

I packed my bag for Hollywood, and included a couple nice outfits in case we decided to go somewhere nice for dinner. Stef walked into the bedroom with a basketful of laundry, and pulls out a few shirts.

"We need to leave in about five minutes for the appointment, then we'll leave from there." I said.

"Sounds good, love." Stef said, finishing packing her bag. She grabbed her bag, and mine, and started to take them to the car.

As Stef put the bags into our car, I grabbed my purse and my keys. I walked outside, and helped her finish put them in the trunk. We walked around to each side of the car, and got in.

When we arrived at the doctor's office, they were running a bit behind. We waited for about half an hour before we could go in. I sat on the table as Stef stood next to me.

"Alright, I'm going to have you lay on your back and pull your shirt up above your belly." The nurse said, as she grabbed the equipment she needed.

I laid down, and pulled my shirt up. She squirted the cold gel onto my small stomach, and moved the stick around. On the screen we could see our baby. My eyes started watering, as I smiled at the screen. Stef laid her hand on mine, as she too, watched the screen.

"Alright, everything looks good. Were you wanting to know the gender?" She asked.

"No, we want to wait." I replied, smiling at Stef.

The nurse nodded, and pressed a button on the machine. She handed us the pictures, and me a paper towel to wipe the gel off of my stomach. "Alright, we'll see you two in a few weeks." She said smiling, before walking out.

I wiped the gel off my stomach and pulled my shirt back down. I got off the table, and grabbed my purse. I took Stef's hand in mine as we walked out of the office, and towards the car. We got in, and drove off.

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