• Chapter Thirty-Three •

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*Stef's Point of View*

I started going through the file for the missing girl, as Mike drove. I noticed that her case was similar to the one of the girl we helped a couple months ago. "Mike, this girl is similar to the one we helped a couple months ago." I said, looking closer at the file. We drove to the last seen location, which happened to be a small neighborhood, and slowly scanned the block. We continued to do this through the neighborhood for about 15 minutes, and decided to go back onto the main road.

"I noticed that too, actually. That this case is similar to the other." Mike said, breaking the silence. "Should we try going over to that small shopping outlet thats not too far? She could be sitting outside one of the buildings." He suggested. I nodded, and he started to drive over there.

After another 45 minutes of searching, we returned to the station. We got out of the cruiser, and walked inside. "We were unable to find her, Captain." Mike said once he had gotten to the doorway of her office.

Captain Roberts looked at us, and sighed. "I'll have you continue the search in another area tomorrow. You both may go home." She said, looking at a file on her desk.

We walked out, and over to our vehicles. As I drove home, I kept an eye out for the girl. Once I was about halfway home, I saw her sitting on a bench at a small park. I pulled over, and got out. I walked towards her, careful not to startle her. "Hey, my name's Stef. Can I sit next to you?" I asked once I was next to the bench. She nodded, not saying anything. I sat next to her, and studied her a moment. "Could you talk to me? I promise I just want to help you." I said, gently.

She sighed. "I don't want to go back." She said, staring at the ground. "They're not nice people." That's when I noticed the small bruises on her arms.

"If you'll come with me, I can make sure you don't go back. I have a friend at CPS who can help you find a good home." I offered. She looked at me, and tilted her head ever so slightly. She then smiled, and nodded.

I took her back to my car, and opened the door for her. She climbed in, and I drove off, back to the station. Once we arrived, I opened the door for her, and she climbed out. She followed me closely as we walked in, and I told her to sit on the bench near my desk.

As she sat on the bench, I walked over to Captain Roberts' office. I knocked on the open door to let her know I was there. She looked up, a little surprised. "I found the girl on my way home. She's sitting on the bench by my desk." I said.

"Call CPS and let them know." She said, looking back down at the same file she was looking at earlier. I walked back to my desk, and sat down. I called Bill, and told him about the girl.

"I called my friend, and he's coming to get you. He's going to take you to a nice home, okay?" I said, smiling at the girl. The girl nodded, and returned the smile.


*Lena's Point of View*

I sat on the couch, and stared into the fire I had just started in the fireplace. Stef came in, and it her bag on the table by the door. She walked over, and sat next to me. "Hey, how was work?" I asked, looking over at her.

"It was interesting, to say the least." I let out a small sigh. "Mike and I had to search for another missing foster kid. We didn't find her in the initial search, so we returned to the station. Captain Roberts told us to go home and continue the search tomorrow, so I started to come home, but I saw the missing girl sitting on a bench at that small park that's not too far. I took her back to the station, and Bill came and got her." She replied, looking at the couch.

I placed my hand on her knee. "Good thing you found her, huh." I said, not really sure what to say. I noticed Stef had a concerned look on her face. "Is something bothering you?" I asked.

"It just baffles me that abusive people are allowed to foster children. That poor girl had bruises and other marks on her arms." She said, looking into the fire.

I began rubbing her knee, and half-smiled sympathetically. She placed her hand on mine, and smiled at me. "So, how was your afternoon?" She asked, changing the subject.

"It was relaxing. Penny is still napping, so I just came down here, and I was going to read some more of my book before you walked in." I replied, looking over at the fire.

Stef moved closer, and wrapped an arm around me. I looked back at her, and smiled. She smiled back, and I placed a kiss on her lips. "I love you." I said.

"I love you, too." She replied, still smiling.

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